
The benefits of business seminars

All too often, the training opportunities in a company are limited to a few days of induction. But the world of the PA is busy, demanding and fast-changing; you may sometimes need a boost, be it by building fresh confidence and enthusiasm, expanding your skill set, or gaining the latest technical updates.

You may feel you need a career boost, but canโ€™t persuade your employer to sanction the expense of a training course. Or perhaps you feel resistant to the suggestion of further training coming from elsewhere in your organisation. For many reasons, the first question you or your employer may ask when considering training is โ€“ Whatโ€™s the benefit?

How PAs benefit from training
If you feel uncertain about or resistant to the idea of further training, you are probably more in need than most of some encouragement to keep your skills current and your opportunities and your attitude open. You probably feel you are under so much pressure already that you do not have the time, energy, or confidence to take on further training, but think again.

Simply attending a training course opens the mind to new and different office practices and provides opportunities to grow your self-confidence through learning experiences that may not be an option in a high-stress work environment. At work, changes may be too risky to try in an already time-pressed situation.

But by keeping up with changes in technology and working practice, the PA develops efficiency and confidence, leading to strong job satisfaction. In this case, taking on more can actually make the role easier and more enjoyable.

The self-confidence that comes with increased knowledge contributes to reduced negative stress, a more positive working experience, enriched working relationships and the ability to develop and evolve into a self-motivated leader.

Further benefits include the opportunity to develop time management skills, build or re-build personal confidence and access new networking opportunities, as well as enhancing your career prospects. Training will also โ€œfuture proofโ€ your career by maintaining modernity.

Individuals look for a variety of outcomes from their training with the most appealing being the development of new knowledge and portable skills. These will be yours for life, making you more efficient in your role and of great value to your organisation and future employers. The right training course can help create an excellent understanding of the PAs role or even an expansion of that role into new specialities, and bring you new confidence and job satisfaction.

How an organisation, its managers and clients benefit from your training
If you need to convince your employer of the benefits to the company, it may be due to their unwillingness to take on the financial burden of training costs. The most effective response to this is to show how your improved skills will in fact save money for your organisation by enabling you to perform better and perhaps in areas where the company would usually require support or need to outsource.

In the office, financial benefits may include less time wastage due to your awareness and understanding of new, more efficient office practice and improved internal and external communications, which may lead to reduced operating costs, while the development of efficient systems leads to increased productivity.

It should not be necessary to find a new position in order to further develop your skill set and high staff retention is a distinct advantage to employers, ensuring business continuity while avoiding costly and time-consuming staff replacement. In contrast, well-trained, effective and satisfied staff will provide an organisation with a stable environment for growth and offer a competitive advantage through experience, superior quality and commitment.

Employers should not underestimate the importance of the introduction of new skills which can be transferred to others in the organisation; these will cause improvements in customer service and satisfaction, leading to increased repeat business, a good reputation and new clients.