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Top 10 employee benefits revealed

The other side of a recruitment agency

The top perks coveted by workers, including private healthcare and funding for training, have been revealed in a new report. Released by totaljobs, Understanding Talent has detailed the top 10 perks that would make or break job opportunities for prospective employees. As employees begin to look for different things in a job, the report aims to educate recruiters and make sure employers are aware of the changing times.

Revealing that 57% of British jobseekers were confident enough to negotiate benefits into their contract, especially when they know they have other job offers to consider. One in five men went as far as claiming they had the right to discuss their benefits with their new boss, compared to just 10% of women. Typically, men were found to be more confident in asking for more benefits, with 75% of women admitting they didn’t feel comfortable asking for more pay, compared to 59% of men.

Reminding businesses to set themselves apart from the crowd the report explained that many jobseekers’ top priority is the associated perks with the job, be it access to a gym, free eyetests or something a little different. Currently almost three quarters of bosses don’t agree with the concept of employees choosing their own benefits, and almost a fifth think that any employee negotiating is unreasonable, but this could be the wrong attitude as 88% of workers thought that being given the choice would be valuable and benefit the business.

You can read the list below, with the full report available here

  1. Unlimited holiday
    9. Access to accommodation
    8. Car allowance
    7. More holiday allowance
    6. Money for training
    5. Private healthcare options
    4. Learning and development programmes
    3. Flexible hours or allowed to work from home
    2. Pension
    1. Annual bonus