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Posts Tagged :

employee engagement

RESEARCH: Emotional bonds drive workplace engagement – but are you getting the recognition you deserve?

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70% of employees highlight the importance of recognition, but less than half (42%) report receiving regular recognition from their CEOs. That’s according to Boostworks’ research-based whitepaper ‘The Heart of Workplace Engagement’, carried out across 3,000 HR professionals, C-suite leaders, and employees across UK businesses. The findings emphasise the particular importance of line managers and peers […]

Lack of confidence in sustainability strategies

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Over three quarters (78%) of employees lack confidence in sustainability strategies their employers have in place and find it hard to communicate these effectively says the AimHi Earth team who surveyed 1,727 professionals between 2022 and 2024 for their recent report… Employees lack confidence to apply sustainability strategies Nearly all employees (93%) reported that they […]

It’s time for the Great Re-engagement

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2021 was full of talk about ‘the great resignation’ with people purported to be leaving their jobs in droves as one of the consequences of Covid inspired them to want and expect more from their employers.  For some businesses this may have driven change but for others change has not been so forthcoming. Now, one […]

How to combat The Deluge of Unhappy Workers

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Much has been said, written, discussed, about how difficult things have been for workers and businesses recently. However, this period of intense change also poses an incredible opportunity for businesses, offering options to overhaul how things are done, and ensure businesses can become magnets for talent. Firstup’s recent research, The Deluge of Unhappy Workers, made […]

UK workers don’t feel like they ‘belong’

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New research has revealed a looming HR crisis amongst British businesses, with just a third of UK office workers feeling as though they belong within a company. This means that as many at 16 million employees are currently suffering from a feeling of isolation in the workplace. This is set to have serious consequences for […]

The pandemic has improved employee engagement levels

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Employee engagement levels may have actually improved during the COVID-19 pandemic. That is the key finding of a recent survey undertaken by intermediary Howden Employee Benefits & Wellbeing. The research suggests than more than half (52%) of all the employers questioned believed that employee engagement within their organisation had either improved slightly (36%) or significantly […]

Why your business should focus on employee engagement

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By Holly Mills, Head of incentives, Penguins Employees are the most valuable resource in an organisation, but many organisations aren’t prioritising employee engagement, instead only paying lip service. Research has shown that companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%. So why aren’t businesses focusing on engaging employees? Here are 5 reasons why businesses should be focusing on employee engagement: Increased staff retention Losing an […]

Perkbox supports businesses with launch of Connectivity bundle

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Employee experience platform Perkbox has announced the results of its free Connectivity bundle, which was launched early April 2020 to support its small business customers during the Coronavirus crisis. The Connectivity bundle gives Perkbox SME customers free access to Perkbox Insights, Perkbox Recognition and Culture Hub until the end of 2020. Since its launch, just […]

2020 workplace predictions

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By Nicole Alvino, Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Office, SocialChorus The battle against “fake news” in the workplace will come to a head In 2019, we saw the proliferation of “fake news” spill out of the political sphere and make its way into organisations. Companies are now battling new frontiers we’ve never seen before – from the […]

Becoming a more sustainable brand through employee engagement

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When talking about sustainability, there are some brands who are way ahead of the game. Others, however, have fallen behind. Brands that embrace a more sustainable approach have a lot to gain; it helps the brand appeal to a wider audience and save money in the long run. But in order to achieve a more […]

‘Thank you’ – 2 words that go a long way

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If your boss thanks you for a job well done, chances are you’ll remain loyal to the business, says a new report. A survey to mark the launch of the One4all Spotlight Awards reveals that 83 per cent of UK workers say that being thanked increases their loyalty to the company, with 65 per cent […]

Are businesses serious enough about mental illness?

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Businesses not taking mental illness seriously enough are being urged to reassess the value of their employees as part of this year’s World Mental Health Day. The Royal College of Psychiatrists has launched an advice pack for businesses looking to revise their policies on mental health, which can not only affect company health and wellbeing, […]

Young workers make their minds up about an office within 5 minutes

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Around two thirds of Generation Z decide whether or not they’d like to work for a company within just five minutes, according to new research. Office specialist Powwonow surveyed a number of 18 to 23-year olds, also known as Generation Z or Gen Z, to find out how long it takes for younger workers to […]

10 worst things to hear when you’re ill at work

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Sometimes we get ill, it happens to the best of us. The worst flu season on record is upon us, so there’s quite a strong chance that you or someone you work with is going to end up bringing illness into the office. Although you should be at home resting, sometimes deadlines and responsibilities get […]

Do you suffer from ‘brain fade’?

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Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten why you went in there, called a friend by the wrong name or lost your thought process midway through an email? You aren’t alone… These are ‘brain fades’, and millions of Brits are suffering from them each year, according to new studies. Research by Rescue Plus […]

Are you drinking too much coffee?

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Caffeine is among the most widely consumed drugs in the world. It’s consumed in our working day, with our meals and it’s even consumed in the evening. It wakes us up and keeps us going, it affects our day, our mood and changes our habits, but is this all a good thing? How much coffee […]

Britain’s top office practical jokes revealed

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Practical jokes have a time and a place, but should they be encouraged in the office? Depending on where you are in the country, you may be more likely to benefit from a workplace prank, according to a recent survey. Kit Out My Office asked 1,594 people in order to create, probably, the first ever […]

How unhealthy is your office?

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We all know that an unhealthy lifestyle is bad for our health, both mentally and physically. But can it harm our productivity at work? We all take great care to eat healthy and exercise regularly at home, with various diets and training regimes, along with the somewhat elusive gym membership. But according to new research […]