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Top 10 stories of the week

6 steps that can improve your focus

Today’s presidential inauguration has the potential to bring big change for the whole world. Closer to home, we’re focused on the drip feed of details on Brexit and what that could mean for UK businesses. Let’s take a quiet moment of reflection on our own little slice of the world and find out what your fellow PAs read the most on our website this week.

1. 6 steps to take to improve your focus
While the ability to multi-task is often seen as something to brag about, research shows it might actually be detrimental to your focus. If you find it hard to concentrate on one task at a time, here are some steps you can take to re-train your brain from psychology professor Daniel Levitin from McGill University in Montreal.

2. Get back on track with these 8 time management tips
Time management is one of those skills that everyone in every industry needs. PAs have so many things to do in a day that it’s essential to stay on track to get it all done. If you’re having trouble, follow these eight tips from The Muse to get back on schedule.

3. 10 ways to look forward to Monday mornings
The prospect of Monday morning’s slog to work can start ruining your weekend by Sunday evening. But it needn’t be the nightmarish prospect so many of us suffer every week. Here’s a few ideas from Paul Rowney, Director at Forum Events, to make that Monday morning if not something to look forward to, at least enjoy.

4. 7 ways to update your CV in 2017
Are you still following an antiquated set of guidelines for your CV? Those who have stuck to formatting meant for the days when CVs were always printed run the risk of being overlooked by potential employers. Here are some top tips for updating your job search for the digital age.

5. Time for change: How to be an adaptable employee
Things rarely stay the same in the modern business world, especially now that Millennials are taking over and Generation Z is entering the workforce. Just as the chameleon has learned to change its colour to camouflage itself, you too must learn to accept change. It’s now more important than ever to remain flexible at work, so here are a few tips for being adaptable from recruitment site Glassdoor.

6. App of the week: Haiku Deck
There may come a time when you want to create a quick presentation that’s appealing to look at but not complicated to put together. Enter Haiku Deck, a free app available for iOS devices. There’s also a web app that works with Chrome, Safari and Firefox.

7. How to talk about a job you hate
In an ideal world, we’d all get along famously with our bosses and get paid exorbitant amounts of money to do so. Since that’s not always a reality, it’s important to learn how to discuss a terrible job while you’re looking for a new one. Here are some great tips for different scenarios from The Muse.

8. Five steps to a tidier desk – and maybe a promotion too
New research from ICT services provider Brother UK shows that one in 10 bosses would overlook a junior colleague for promotion simply because they have a messy desk.

9. ‘Honestly’, using ‘reassuring’ language causes distrust
The use of supposedly reassuring language such as “honestly”, “believe me”, “trust me” and “let me be clear” when spoken by politicians and business leaders cause instant distrust, backfiring spectacularly by suggesting the exact opposite of their intended effect.

10. 7 signs you’re approaching burnout at work
Stress is truly a silent killer. It builds up slowly until the pressure becomes too much for you to handle. However, you can stop it from getting that far if you pay attention to your body. Here are seven signs that you’re approaching burnout at work.