
Top 10 tips to ace your next job interview

Job interviews are an often daunting experience, but with the right planning and preparation they can be turned into a much smoother process, helping allay any nerves along the way.

Workplace experts LondonOffices.comย has compiled a list of the top 10 things to help university graduates and jobseekers ace any interview and help land that dream job.

Chris Meredith, CEO of, said: โ€œFirst impressions are vital to the success of your interview.

โ€œYou need to make sure you leave the interviewer feeling like theyโ€™ve found the best possible person for the role. To do this, itโ€™s important to show off your skills and personality, and your passion and commitment to the role โ€“ and doing this means being as prepared as possible.

โ€œIf you desperately want the job, then you need to show it. Put 100 per cent commitment into your interview and itโ€™ll pay off.

โ€œTo make sure your interview doesnโ€™t crash and burn before itโ€™s even begun, follow our ten-step guide to interview success.โ€

The top 10 tips include:

1. Do your research

Always do some extensive research on the company before you attend the interview. Itโ€™s also important that you research the people who will be interviewing you too. If you donโ€™t know who they are, then ask. Displaying some good knowledge about their professional background can make a great first impression.

2. Ask for essential information

Itโ€™s important you are aware of the type of interview you are having. If you are not told, then you need to ask. You should also ask how long the interview is and the exact location of the interview (street name, office number, floor of building). This will allow you to plan the interview day thoroughly in advance.

3. Be punctual

Aim to arrive about 10 minutes before the time that has been arranged. Remember to also bring a notepad just in case you need to write anything down during the interview.

4. Practice your handshake

One thing that can put an employer off is a limp or lifeless handshake. Be confident when shaking your future employer’s hand. Have a good grip and make strong eye contact โ€“ this will present you as being a confident and able person.

5. Dress appropriately

The words โ€˜dress for successโ€™ come to mind when you are heading to an interview. The general rule is to dress in a conservative fashion, with polished shoes and well-groomed hair.

6. Show enthusiasm and interest

If you feel the role is perfect for you, always remember to tell the interviewer that youโ€™re very interested in the job. You should also inform the interviewer that they can email or phone you if they think of any additional questions.

7. Donโ€™t offer negative information about yourself

Even if you are being self-depreciating โ€“ never offer negative information about yourself. Donโ€™t give the interviewer anything that would make them think badly of you. Stay positive at all costs.

8. Ask questions

During the interview, remember to ask plenty of intelligent questions about the job and industry, to show youโ€™re interested in the role. Asking questions will also help determine whether the company would be the right place for you to work.

9. Donโ€™t inquireย about benefits

Donโ€™t inquire about holidays, bonuses, pensions or other benefits until you have received a job offer. Thereโ€™s plenty of time to do that if you get the job.

10. Ask about the next steps in the hiring process

Itโ€™s important to ask who you need to stay in touch with after the interview and itโ€™s good if you can get their contact details while youโ€™re there. You should also inquire as to when you can expect to hear back from them after the interview.