
Winter is coming: Prepare your firm with this handy guide

Companies across the UK and Ireland are being urged to secure staff safety this winter, by proactively stocking up with essential equipment to prevent workplace accidents and productivity loss.

According to University College London, the UK is set to face freezing Arctic conditions and the lowest temperatures in decades.

To support businesses through this expected cold snap,ย Office Depotย has launched a guide which explains how to fully prepare for the winter weather and ensure staff are safe, both in the office and on the road.

Insurance broker Towergate recently released research suggesting as many as 66 per cent of SMEs have lost revenue due to bad weather in the last five years. Office Depotโ€™s guide,ย Office Snow-How, breaks down the challenges businesses regularly face, while also explaining the available solutions which can be implemented immediately.

Split into two sections, the guide covers office-based risks, such as slips and heating failure, as well as company car protection. With as many as 890,000 company cars in use in the UK, according to recent figures from HMRC, businesses are being asked to check whether each individual has car safety kits in the event of hazardous weather.

George Hand, Head of Catering, Cleaning and Hygiene at Office Depot, said: โ€œEvery year, we receive last minute requests for a number of our winter essentials because businesses are ill-prepared when icy or snowy conditions arrive. When we receive these requests, many businesses often find itโ€™s too late to avoid potential accidents.

โ€œItโ€™s not unusual for the UK to experience sudden changes in temperature, so itโ€™s vital that UK businesses are prepared to cope. Our guide has been created to serve as a helpful reminder of why preparation is vital, while also offering advice on the different solutions available.โ€

To support businesses further, Office Depot has a direct line and a dedicated team of advisors ready to help those looking to purchase their winter essentials. From grits, rock salts and shovels to prevent slips, to temporary heating in case of a heating failure, there are a number of solutions available which can be ordered, and delivered, potentially next day (depending on when the order is placed and availability).

Two direct line numbers are available, one for the UK and one for Ireland, to ensure businesses are prepared. Companies in the UK can call 0161 301 8516 and those in Ireland can dial 01 815 0770 to discuss the different options available. 

To find out more about the risks faced and available options, you can download the Office Depot guide at