
Worst LinkedIn mistakes revealed

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LinkedIn is becoming a major factor in the recruiting process. Searching an applicant’s name online will usually lead to finding their LinkedIn profile topping of the page, so making sure your profile is up to scratch is vital.

Examining the worst LinkedIn profiles found by recruiters, the Fast Company has listed how to avoid the most common issues, mistakes and drawbacks applicants put in their profiles.

Keep it up to date
As such a useful online resource for recruiters looking for more information on an applicant, it’s important to make sure you don’t leave your profile outdated. Keep your account steadily updated, rather than only editing when you’re job hunting, as it shows dedication and organisation.

Improve your top line
Many recruiters won’t scroll past the initial view when they land on your page, so use that space wisely. Tell companies more than just your job title, give readers a quick, digestible bio to keep bosses informed. Because of LinkedIn’s impressive SEO use, it can also be useful to keep in mind keywords when writing your headline to increase interest.

Your profile is not a CV
A common misstep for applicants is to treat your profile as a carbon copy of your CV, but this method doesn’t make use of the opportunity to say a little more. Tell a story, detailing why you chose to go from one job to the next. Use it to describe your time there, what you enjoyed about your role, what was a challenge, and why you moved on. In this vein, you can keep things more informal, add posts that have more personal value than the more sterile and dry CV.

Write something
The biggest offence recruiters find is a blank page. Fill your page, write blog posts, show your passions, get bosses to read to the bottom of your page. Long or short posts, periodically or sporadically, get your word out and your voice heard.

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