
Would YOU like to ignore your boss…?

Workers in New York could be the latest to be granted the ‘right to disconnect’ if a bill is passed similar to the ruling in France last year.

According to IB Times, the bill would place a $250 fine on employers who expect staff to answer calls and emails after hours.

In addition, the bill will require that companies with 10 or more members of staff to inform them of their right not to respond to after-hours messages – with those employees fired for not answering potentially receiving $2,500 and getting their jobs back.

France’s ‘right to disconnect’ law came into place in January 2017, with evangelists claiming that employees who are expected to check and reply to work emails out of hours are not being paid fairly for their overtime. In addition, it is claimed that this practice carries a risk of stress, burnout, sleep problems and relationship difficulties.

France also has a working week of just 35 hours, compared to the UK’s 48.

What do you think? Are you constantly responding to your boss’s requests and emails outside of working hours? Do you think that a ‘right to disconnect’ law would help here? Let us know your thoughts by emailing