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The ‘glow’ of getting something for free can last as long as a week

Unsurprisingly, nine in ten Brits love a good freebie and two-thirds reckon it provides a boost to their mental health. According to new research, more than one in 20 adults claim they get a buzz from a free product seven days down the line, while a quarter said the feelings of satisfaction last for a few days. Commenting on the…

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Employers must be prepared for ‘long Covid’ and the impact on their workforce

Towergate Health & Protection is seeing an increase in employers asking about how they can support employees with ‘long Covid’ and this is set to continue. In the UK, 300,000 people have reported Covid symptoms lasting longer than a month. The condition is only just beginning to be understood, and as cases of Covid-19 increase, this is likely to have…

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7 Ways to Prepare Your Travel Programme for the New Reality Ahead

Now is an opportune moment for corporate travel teams to get their travel programs ready for the future. Amex Global Business Travel has highlighted seven areas to assess: Shore up duty of care gaps In 2020, some companies discovered weak spots in their duty of care programs, while executives recognised the importance of having one. Travel managers and security teams…

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Small business owners are spending 25 hours per month cleaning their premises

Small business owners are spending the equivalent of an entire working day a month doing extra cleaning in their premises in the wake of Covid-19, a study has found. Prior to the pandemic businesses typically devoted 32 minutes a day to sanitation, but this has now risen to 51 minutes. That is an additional nine hours a month – more than…

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Almost six in ten women are ditching make-up and embracing the natural look

Almost six in ten women are ditching make-up and embracing the natural look – as their skin becomes a bigger priority. A study of 2,000 women found that fewer social events and less face-to-face contact has seen 59 per cent going bare-faced more than ever before. And more than one in four admitted to buying less make-up and more skincare products…

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How to Recognise Staff This Christmas

By Liz Taylor, CEO and Business Leader, Liz Taylor Consultancy Christmas is fast approaching and it’s true that this year has been very different for all the office party planners out there. So, Liz Taylor CEO and Business Leader at Liz Taylor Consultancy, shares her advice on how to recognise staff differently this Christmas… “In talking to an audience of…

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Research agency urges businesses to consider accessibility 

Today marks International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) and this years’ theme is ‘not all disabilities are visible’. SimpleUsability, is keen to encourage businesses to consider this when interacting with their customers and has been providing research into the experiences of those with disabilities and additional needs. The agency is now calling on other businesses to consider how inclusive customer…

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The noticed impact of not meeting and travelling during COVID-19

By Leanne Fowler, Director of Strategic Meetings Management, NYS Meetings & Events (part of Capita Travel & Events) During The PA Life Summit, Leanne Fowler shared the impact COVID-19 has had on the travel industry with attendees. The insightful seminar highlighted how meeting and travelling has changed this year, and Leanne shared her top tips moving forward… Pre-Covid Before the…

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Company Christmas crisis care is needed now more than ever

Employers have crucial role to play in supporting staff over the festive period. Christmas and the festive season can be a difficult time, but this year especially there are likely to be additional issues of isolation and depression, and employers will have a crucial role to play in supporting their staff. Brett Hill, distribution director at Towergate Health & Protection,…

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Mental Health – Fact or Fiction?

By Martin Ellis, Managing Director, Team Umbrella Limited Due to the current pandemic many people are working from home and this has had an effect on our mental health. The current situation has taken a toll on people and PA Life spoke with Martin Ellis, to find out how you can help your employees and colleagues… “There’s a saying about…

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Administration manager recognised for efforts during pandemic

Sarah Jones, Administration Manager at Key2, has won a competition run by recruitment specialist Hays, recognising her efforts throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. The Hays Shout Out competition set out to reward and recognise admin staff who have taken on extra responsibilities to support their organisations during the pandemic. Employers were invited to nominate their chosen employee and a shortlist was created…

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“Just admin!” Julie Bales, shares why PAs are so much more

By Julie Bales, VA to a number of private clients. Julie Bales, PA to Entrepreneur and author Dan Bradbury, has been told countless times that she is ‘just admin’. PA Life spoke with Julie Bales, to find out more about her experience hearing these words… “Having worked in an administrative based role for over 25 years, I feel I’ve done…

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Christmas Party & PA Life Star Awards

PA Life Christmas Party & PA Life Star Awards 2024 Date: Tuesday, November 19th Venue: Maroto – Brazilian-themed Restaurant and Lounge Club Image: PA Life Christmas Party & Star Awards 2023 at Inca London   The most coveted festive party of the year for PAs and EAs – the PA Life Christmas Party & Star Awards will be hosted jointly…

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Half of workers admit to opening emails they consider suspicious

73% of workers extensively use their company-issued device for personal matters, with nearly two-thirds (60%) admitting to an increase in frequency since starting to work remote. That’s according to the Company-Issued Computers: What are Employees Really Doing with Them report from Mimecast, which says the most common activities were checking personal email (47%), carrying out financial transactions (38%) and online shopping…

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New research shows worker burnout up 33%

Employee burnout is reaching new highs, with aggregated data from 1.75 million employee-engagement surveys carried out this year showing 5.41% of employees provided free-text comments that spoke to fatigue, being overwhelmed and other potential signals of burnout. By contrast, January’s reading was just 4.08%. The past two years have averaged 4.12% — a 33% rate rise. That’s according to Glint’s latest…

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Beating remote working anxieties

Professionals at all levels have recently changed their way of working and are experiencing new challenges every day. Working without face to face contact can make simple tasks more complex and even those in more senior positions are struggling to adapt. A recent report by RADA Business, Beating Workplace Performance Anxiety, revealed that anxiety is most prominent amongst professionals at senior…

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5 ways you can be a more sustainable business traveller

A report by ACE Travel Management has found that 45% of people do not feel informed enough to make sustainable decisions when travelling for business. Despite the uncertainty caused due to the impact of COVID-19, now is the time for businesses to improve their consideration for sustainable travel. There is no question that sustainability is going to be one of the biggest…

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