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digital conference

WATCH AGAIN: PA Life LIVE – Learn from Lucy Brazier how to future-proof your career

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If you weren’t able to join us for the PA Life LIVE digital conference this week, we’ll be posting the sessions here to allow you watch them at your own leisure. And we would urge you to make time to be inspired by Lucy Brazier’s keynote session – Future-Proofing Your Role – How To Position […]


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We have 300+ other PAs and EAs attending today’s PA Life LIVE digital conference. They’re joining us for a full day of insight, learning and inspiration during today’s challenges, with sessions including: Future-Proofing Your Role Returning to a New Normal in the Office Navigating Safe Business Travel for your Teams The Return of Live Events […]

Award-winning entrepreneur Emily Newstead to present at PA Life LIVE – including a live giveaway!

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Join us this Wednesday for the PA Life LIVE digital conference where you’ll have the opportunity to learn from the inspiring Emily Newstead of Bow Gifts. She will present a session on Corporate Gifting and Staff Rewards & Incentives – an area which has become even more important during the Covid-19 pandemic. During the session […]

Business Travel Association CEO Clive Wratten to speak at PA Life LIVE

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Join us next week at the PA Life LIVE digital conference next week when you’ll have the opportunity to learn from business leaders and inspirational speakers about how to navigate your career through the next few months of the Covid-19 pandemic. Taking place on Wednesday September 30th, it’s free to attend – simply register your […]

Learn how to future-proof your role – Lucy Brazier to keynote at PA Life LIVE

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Join us at this month’s PA Life LIVE digital conference and be inspired by one of the leading names in administration – Lucy Brazier. She will present the opening keynote session, Future-Proofing Your Role – How To Position Yourself for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond. It’s part of a full-day of conference sessions designed […]

PA Life LIVE Post Covid-19 Lockdown digital conference – first speakers revealed

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The first speakers for next Wednesday’s PA Life LIVE event have been announced. The free event – Post Covid-10 Lockdown Reboot: Helping Your Company Return To Business – will focus on five key areas:- Risk Assessment & Planning For A Safe Office Planning For A New Kind Of Office Christmas Party Keeping Your Teams Well & […]