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49% of workers sending emails late at night or early morning

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One-in-five (20%) UK workers now have their work instant messaging app on their personal mobile phone, according to new research from by B2B furniture ecommerce site Furniture At Work. The research, which asked 1,015 UK workers about their routine and habits during the working day, sought to uncover how attitudes to work had changed since the pandemic […]

Spam emails annoying you? Here are some tips to help clean your inbox…

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Recent data shows 68% of Brits don’t protect their inbox from spam emails – not only are they annoying, but they can also be potentially dangerous. So, what – if anything – can we do about it? It turns out there are quite a few easy solutions to dwindle the number of junk from your […]

Half of workers admit to opening emails they consider suspicious

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73% of workers extensively use their company-issued device for personal matters, with nearly two-thirds (60%) admitting to an increase in frequency since starting to work remote. That’s according to the Company-Issued Computers: What are Employees Really Doing with Them report from Mimecast, which says the most common activities were checking personal email (47%), carrying out financial […]

Five familiar email fails: Why they could be more than an embarrassing mishap

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Email is a fundamental component of business communications. The benefit of near instant messaging, no matter the location, means that business deals and management can be conducted quickly and seamlessly. But our reliance on email as a communication tool has inspired an element of complacency amongst users. The repetitive and familiar nature of email usage means […]

RIP Email: 43% of businesses plan to ‘scrap email’ as main source of employee communication due to Covid-19 lockdown

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Four in 10 businesses are actively considering replacing email as the main source of communication with employees following the Covid-19 lockdown period. The findings are contained in a new poll commissioned by the Parliament Street think tank and conducted by independent survey Censuswide which quizzed 200 senior decision-makers in large and medium sized UK businesses about how […]

The most common workplace email faux pas revealed

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A nationwide study of 1,000 Brits has uncovered a list of the biggest mistakes you can make on work email, with adding a kiss coming out top. More than 40% of office workers think ‘xx’ on work correspondence is completely unprofessional. The study by Pure Commercial Finance also revealed eight percent of British workers feel […]

How modern tech has saved us time

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Internet banking, portable battery chargers and email are just some of the ways that modern tech has saved us both time and energy, but what other top tech creations have helped save us time? Modern technology is saving Brits the equivalent of two weeks every year – or almost two and a half years of […]

How to tell if your colleagues or clients are deceiving you – digitally

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The average person is lied to an astounding 105 times per day. Many of these are innocuous lies – of the “I like your shirt” or “that airplane meal was good” variety. But as a business executive, some lies people tell you can lead to bad decisions, lost profits, or worse, according to Jennifer Jordan […]

How to stop wasting time on the phone

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Email has come out on top in recent years as the ultimate productivity tool when it comes to business communication. Marketing Strategist Dorie Clark points out that the average phone call takes 30 minutes, while an email takes five to 10 minutes to draft. Here, Clark presents her top tips for maintaining productivity when phone […]

How to tame your work emails

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Email has become a thing that taunts you from your computer’s desktop all day every day. Your inbox is always there and ignoring messages won’t make them go away. Technology researcher Alexandra Samuel recently told The Wall Street Journal how she deals with work emails. Use alternative methods There are so many other forms of […]

How fast should you respond to emails?

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Imagine you’re a member of a workplace group asked via email to evaluate an idea. Do you supply your thoughts quickly? Or take time before responding? Your best approach depends on your status within the group, suggests new research from the University of Virginia Darden School of Business. “If you’re low on the totem pole, […]