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employee wellbeing

How to nurture employee wellbeing in today’s workplace

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As employee wellbeing becomes a key focus for many employers looking to support their teams and foster a positive workplace culture, Vrinda Guha, founder of VibeAtion, offers her essential insights on the top things employers can do to support their staff and understand how to nurture employee wellbeing in the modern workplace… “With Gen Z […]

Hybrid working: Fifth of Brits are not fussed about meeting colleagues

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Most of us have our preferred patterns for hybrid working. New research from TravelPerk reveals that a fifth (19%) of UK employees don’t think meeting colleagues in person is important at all. However, nearly triple (58%) feel that meeting in person is important because it creates a sense of belonging to the team, and more […]

Creating a Smart Working Environment: Strategies for Productivity

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The modern workplace is in a constant state of flux, and it’s more important than ever that employers create a smart working environment that promotes productivity and engagement. When employees are encouraged to work smarter, not harder, they can achieve the same results in less time, leading to a more productive and successful workplace. The […]

Expert’s 9 tips for employee performance in the cost of living crisis

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As the cost of living crisis continues, employers must recognise the importance of supporting their employees during these challenging times. From both a business and human perspective. Financial stress can significantly impact employee wellbeing, job satisfaction, and productivity. As a result, many organisations are taking steps to provide support and alleviate some of the financial […]

42% of companies to increase headcount but must look after staff to attract and retain best talent

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Towergate Health & Protection today releases the details of research1 into the recruitment plans of over 500 companies from across the UK. The findings reveal that one third (33%) of employers have increased their employee headcount over the last 12 months, and 42% are looking to increase employee numbers further over the next 12 months. […]

Vital areas to consider before sending employees abroad for work

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International relocation and global mobility are back on the business agenda, so it’s important that employers are aware of the many considerations they must make before sending an employee abroad, warns Towergate Health & Protection. Employers need to carry out due diligence before the decision is made to send an employee abroad in any capacity, […]

Menopause leave pilots rejected by ministers

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The Fourth Special Report – Menopause and the workplace: Government Response to the Committee’s First Report of Session 2022–2023, was published on 24 January. In the report, ministers have rejected a proposal from the Women and Equalities Committee to introduce ‘Menopause Leave’ pilots to support those going through menopause. Many women need to however take […]

Beat the back-to-work blues and keep your exercise resolution

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Here’s how to beat the back-to-work blues and keep your fitness resolution when you’re stuck in the office or home office. January is officially the bleakest month of the year. It’s cold outside, you’re broke and you’re stuck in the office making it difficult to kick-start your health and fitness resolution.  Just because you can’t […]

How to choose the right team-building activities to boost employee wellbeing

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It is no understatement to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our private and professional lives. Not only has it changed the way we live and work but also how we feel about work. Supporting good mental health and wellbeing in the workplace has never been more important, as companies […]

New Year, New You? A lighthearted look at 2023 Resolutions For Managers

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According to a survey by Finder UK, only 9% of people set resolutions for career progression in 2022.  ‘New Year, New You’ is a well-used platitude but as many of us happily wave goodbye to 2022 and we think ahead of all to come in 2023, the team at Serenity in Leadership gives us lighthearted […]

Deepening debt impacting mental health as cost of living bites

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Four in five (79%) UK employees are concerned about the increasing cost of living, with one in three (34%) just getting by financially Nearly a third (30%) of employees on lower incomes feel that their current level of debt is impacting their mental health One in three (34%) feel they are no longer prepared for […]

How can technology help reduce stress in the workplace?

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59% of UK adults experience stress in the workplace but could business technology provide a means to help reduce this figure? The combination of technology and mental health can often have negative connotations. There is plenty of media attention surrounding the negative impact the former can have on the latter. In fact, there is research […]

Employers face ‘creativity’ challenge, not worker apathy

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‘Quiet quitting’ is not the issue, instead employers face a ‘creativity’ challenge, not employee apathy, as workers want more creative and fulfilling jobs. Only 4% of workers say they are doing the ‘bare minimum’ at work, suggesting that ‘quiet quitting’ is not the issue.  A lack of purposeful and fulfilling work is to blame and […]

5 office friendly yoga poses for improving your mental health 

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With 74% of the UK ‘overwhelmed or unable to cope at some point in the past year, taking care of your mental health has never been more important. Yoga has been scientifically proven to relieve stress, improve mental health and reduce anxiety*, and there are several feel-good stretches you can do at your desk. Office […]

Why ‘bleisure’ events at Ascot can help keep company culture thriving

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Business + leisure = bleisure Hybrid working has become the new norm for many in the post-pandemic world. While this has its benefits, a recent study identified isolated working and reduced collaborative environments as the greatest downfall to remote working, with 70% of respondents identifying ‘team culture’ as the biggest challenge to employee engagement. This […]

1 in 10 office workers skip lunch as their breaks are too short

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More than 1 in 10 office workers end up regularly or always skipping lunch as they’re not given enough time on their break to purchase food, a new survey reveals. The Lacklustre Lunch Breaks Survey, from Just Eat for Business, asked the nation’s office workers about how often they skip their lunch breaks at work, […]

4 Ideas for PA’s Organising Executive Team Building Exercises

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As a PA, part of your duty is to organise executive team-building exercises. While team buildings often get a bad rap for being boring, the right team-building exercises can bring the team closer together and help everyone work more effectively, leading to increased productivity. So, to help you make this event a success, here are […]

How to be happy at work this International Week of Happiness at Work

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A full-time employee will spend around a quarter of their time at work. When you take the weekend and time spent sleeping out of the equation, this increases to 50% of our waking hours Monday-Friday. For the vast majority, working is a necessity – we need to pay the bills and maintain a quality of […]