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Posts Tagged :

job search

What to do after getting fired

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There are a number of reasons people can be fired from a job, whether they just aren’t performing well or the company has to cut costs. It’s never pleasant to be let go, and it takes a level of dignity to get through it unscathed. Here are some pointers from Fast Company on what to […]

Appetite for international work opportunities soars across Europe

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European employees have a strong appetite for international work, as almost three quarters (74%) would consider other countries for career opportunities, according to research by ADP®. The new study of nearly 10,000 working adults across Europe considers how employees feel about the future of work, international competitiveness and talent management. The survey was conducted in […]

Should you include hobbies and interests on your CV?

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A social media survey carried out by recruitment consultant Rytons Associates has produced some interesting findings on the hobbies and interests CV debate. Rytons Director Patrick Murtagh posed the question of the importance of including this section on a CV on LinkedIn recently, and the response he received was massive. The move came because a number […]

4 things you should remove from your LinkedIn profile

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If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile but you’re thinking of looking for a new job, you need to create one immediately. If you do have one but haven’t updated it recently, it’s time to freshen it up a bit. Here are four things you should consider deleting from your LinkedIn profile if you’re hunting […]

7 ways to keep your job search fresh

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Unless you’re desperate to leave your current company, hunting for a new role probably isn’t the most exciting thing in the world. Believe it or not, it is possible to experience burnout when you spend a lot of time writing cover letters and sending applications. If you’re getting stressed out, follow these seven tips from […]

4 steps to take before an interview

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In addition to brushing up on your interview skills and dressing for success, there are a few simple things you can do to prepare. Recruitment site Glassdoor recommends these four easy steps that can help you get ready. Set a calendar note straight away Once your potential employer has confirmed the date and time of […]

How to tell your boss you’re leaving

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You’ve aced the interview and secured yourself a job offer. Now for the last hurdle – telling your boss you’re leaving. No matter what kind of relationship you have with your executive, having that ‘I quite’ conversation is still nerve-wracking. To help you keep your head held high throughout the process, here are some tips […]

How to talk about a job you hate

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In an ideal world, we’d all get along famously with our bosses and get paid exorbitant amounts of money to do so. Since that’s not always a reality, it’s important to learn how to discuss a terrible job while you’re looking for a new one. Here are some great tips for different scenarios from The […]

7 ways to update your CV in 2017

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Are you still following an antiquated set of guidelines for your CV? Those who have stuck to formatting meant for the days when CVs were always printed run the risk of being overlooked by potential employers. Here are some top tips for updating your job search for the digital age. 1 Think simple A good […]

Professional hiring flatlined at the end of 2016

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Professional recruitment firms reported that vacancy numbers and hiring flatlined in November, with the number of permanent vacancies rising by just 0.3% year-on-year according to new survey data from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo). This is in line with the latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which reported in December that employment […]

A third of Brits plan to leave their job

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31 January is the day Brits are most likely to hand in their notice and leave their job, new research from Crunch Accounting reveals. The study found that a potential 10.3 million workers are considering moving on professionally (32.5% of the UK’s workforce) – but most will hang on until after January’s payday before handing […]

Job-hopping trend presents data privacy problems for employees and employers

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Sue Trombley, Managing Director of Thought Leadership at Iron Mountain explains why job-hopping employees create data privacy problems for themselves and their employers. Job hopping is the new normal. Talk to anyone in their early 30s and the chances are they will have changed jobs at least four times[1] since leaving full-time education. This trend […]

Glassdoor Employees’ Choice Awards announce 50 best places to work in the UK in 2017

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Job listing site Glassdoor has officially announced the winners of the Employees’ Choice Awards, which recognise the best places to work across the UK, France, Germany, the US and Canada. Here in the UK, Expedia tops out the list for the second year in a row. The rankings are based on company reviews shared by […]

4 ways to make a career change without starting over

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Many people hop from job to job in search of better pay or a promotion, but there are others who wake up one day and realise they’re on the wrong career path entirely. Whether it’s a change of industry or a completely different role you’re after, there’s no reason making a move means you have […]

Helpful hints for job hunters over 50

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When you get to your 40s and 50s, it’s likely you will have held a stable position at a company for years. But sometimes life throws you a curveball and you need to look for a new job. While you’re highly employable and have all the experience in the world, the job market moves at […]

How to survive your first week at a new job

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You’ve written a superb CV, won over the boss at the interview and made the necessary negotiations to secure a new job. Now it’s time to make it through the dreaded yet exciting first week. Here are a few tips that can help you make a great impression. Be friendly Try not to be shy. […]

Recruiters reveal ‘arrogance’ as the biggest turn off when interviewing candidates

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Candidates on the hunt for new jobs are being warned by recruiters not to cross the line from confidence to arrogance in their interviews. A survey of recruiters and employers in the UK, conducted by cloud-based online meeting platform LyteSpark found that more than two thirds (67%) find arrogance the biggest turn off when interviewing, […]

4 tips for writing an elevator pitch

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An elevator pitch is a quick introduction that provides others with information about who you are, what you do and what you have to offer. Its name refers to the amount of time you have to make a good first impression during a lift ride from reception to the manager’s office. Getting it right is […]