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Are you battering your credit card at the end of the month…?

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Do you regularly dip into your overdraft or fall back on your credit cards towards the end of the month? Well, you’re not alone, according to a new report which has found that millions of Brits feel they are living beyond their means, and that their salaries aren’t stretching enough. The research by Vantage Leasing […]

Brits are struggling to make ends meet, finds study

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Brits are struggling to make ends meet financially, with four in ten falling short of cash to pay the bills. According to a survey of 2,000 UK adults, 43 per cent cited that they were short of the cash that they need to cover the bills an average of seven months each year. But one […]

Experts solve what a splash of milk really means

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Researchers have determined how much a splash of milk really is when making a cup of tea. A study of 2,000 UK adults found that a splash is exactly five ml, which is precisely four fifths of a teaspoon. A splash of milk should not be confused with a drop though, which equates to six […]

Can you do a better job than your boss?

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More than one third of Brits believe they could do a better job than their boss. According to new research of 2,000 employees, almost one in five admitted to hating their manager. Of those surveyed, two in five don’t think their superior is good at their role, one in ten believe they are ‘arrogant’ or […]

Brits spend around seven years feeling exhausted

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On average Brits are spending more than seven and a half years of their life feeling tired. New research has discovered that adults spend two hours and 56 minutes feeling drained and low in energy more than 20 hours per week. This amounts to almost four days of each month or six weeks of every […]

UK workers are suffering from ‘smartphone fatigue’

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More and more UK workers are beginning to suffer from ‘smartphone fatigue’. In a survey commissioned by Thumbtel, creators of the Another Number and HulloMail apps, six out of ten 25 to 34-year-old full time workers revealed that they feel they are experiencing ‘smartphone fatigue’. This is created by the increasing demands of inbound calls, […]

Young adults ditch Facebook, while more older users join network

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Teens and young adults are ditching Facebook in favour of services such as SnapChat, while over-55s are choosing to use the social network more and more. According to a new report by eMarketer, in 2018 2.2 million 12 to 17-year-olds and 4.5 million 18 to 24-year-olds will regularly use Facebook in the UK, 700,000 fewer […]