Posts Tagged :

social media

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How Facebook has changed the way we work

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Stuart Logan, Chief HR Officer at SoftServe explains how his company has utilised Workplace by Facebook to help its global employees stay in touch In October 2016, Facebook announced the launch of its corporate social network, Workplace. People work in different ways, and Workplaceโ€™s mission is to help them stay connected. For SoftServe, a global […]

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Brits time holiday social media posts to make colleagues jealous

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The traditional paper postcard is going out of fashion thanks to the internet, with Brits preferring social media to share their holiday memories. New research shows this propensity for social media has a dark side, with employees timing their posts to make colleagues back home jealous. Seven in 10 people surveyed by on behalf […]

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The importance of developing social relationships

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Just using social media is no longer enough if you arenโ€™t developing a relationship with your followers, according to social media management company Hootsuite. While sites and apps like Hootsuite and Tweetdeck allow users to access various social media data and streams all from one screen, learning how to use your management systems to your […]

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Worst LinkedIn mistakes revealed

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LinkedIn is becoming a major factor in the recruiting process. Searching an applicantโ€™s name online will usually lead to finding their LinkedIn profile topping of the page, so making sure your profile is up to scratch is vital. Examining the worst LinkedIn profiles found by recruiters, the Fast Company has listed how to avoid the […]

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Interviewers throw โ€˜curveballโ€™ questions to throw off candidates

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Is it okay to snitch on a co-worker? What tree do you resemble most? If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be, and why? These are the curveball questions employers are using to throw off candidates, according to new research. A new study by GoDaddy polled 1,000 recent graduates […]

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4 things you should remove from your LinkedIn profile

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If you donโ€™t have a LinkedIn profile but youโ€™re thinking of looking for a new job, you need to create one immediately. If you do have one but havenโ€™t updated it recently, itโ€™s time to freshen it up a bit. Here are four things you should consider deleting from your LinkedIn profile if youโ€™re hunting […]

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How PAs can use social media to promote their events

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When it comes to event management, social media is drastically underused and often incorrectly managed. However, with PAs increasingly expected to do more with less, the power of social can help you to promote your events, enhance experiences and generate conversations. Here are some tips on how to integrate social media into your events from […]

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How to network on a global scale

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Interested in getting the most out of global, digital and hybrid networking โ€“ and carrying your companyโ€™s communications into the future? Alicia Lewis of the MD Group shares three top tips. Business is global. That much is fact. From companies growing and spreading across multiple continents to the technology that allows us to have real-time […]

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Social media at work is a productivity drain, research shows

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Social media has become an important business and marketing tool, but new research shows allowing employees unrestricted access could cost companies hours in productivity. The World of Work Report by Indian HR specialist TeamLease shows employees spend more than 32% of their time at work using social media. That adds up to an average of […]

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Facebook at Work set to launch in London

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Rumour has it Facebook will officially launch its newest platform, Facebook at Work, at an event in London on 10 October. TechCrunch reports that an invitation confirms this date, which marks the first time Facebook has launched a product outside of the US. The new business version of the popular social media site was developed […]

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Social media at work: business or pleasure?

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Social media has wormed its way into the business world, blurring the lines between professional and personal. But a recent survey by the Pew Research Centre in the US reveals employees are using social media at work for more than just a mental break. Regardless of company policy ยญโ€“ 51% say their employer has a […]

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Master social media at the PA Life Training Day

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Social media is a much-contested tool in the PA community. You either love it or hate it. Either way, itโ€™s an important skill to master, which is exactly what Matt Davis from The Bright Click will teach you to do at the PA Life Training Day. Matt founded The Bright Click as an incorporation of […]

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LinkedIn tailored to you

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LinkedIn is an incredibly valuable tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Be it business networking, an online resume, job opportunities โ€“ your profile showcases you and your career. Many people, however, donโ€™t know how to best use the site or understand and appreciate the potential it offers. Matt Davis is on […]

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