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How to adapt your workplace culture to manage stress

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The past few years have seen many traditional taboos broken and developments in the workplace have reflected this, from the introduction of shared paternity leave and the increasing conversation around the impact of the menopause at work. This year, however, these conversations have slowed down somewhat as the global pandemic took precedent. Focus moved to […]

What gets you hot under the collar? Top 20 stresses revealed

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A job interview is the scenario most likely to leave Brits feeling hot under the collar – ahead of being the centre of attention, something not going to plan and doing a presentation. The study of 2,000 UK adults revealed meeting the in-laws for the first time, the first day of a job and taking […]

Fitbit’s top tips for keeping employees fit while working from home

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With recent studies revealing the UK is on the brink of a mental health crisis, Fitbit in collaboration with James Stirling has shared some tips on how you can ensure your employees are mentally and physically fit whilst WFH. The basis for the recommendations come after these recent studies revealed: ·         […]

UK employee anxiety levels have increased by 240% in one year

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Anxiety in employees has rocketed over the last year, rising 240% over the same period as last year  from 5% to 17%. That’s according to research from Inpulse, which also shows that Stress is another high negative emotion for employees, at 11%, while Isolation rates stands at 7%. An emotion becomes dominant and will be felt and experienced […]

Stress levels soaring during lockdown

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The average adult has seen their stress and anxiety levels rise by almost 50 per cent in recent weeks – with those aged over 60 seeing the biggest increase. A study of 2,000 adults found that before the lockdown, an average of 59 minutes a day was spent feeling under pressure or worried about things […]

Top tips for working from home… without the stress

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More of us than ever before are working from home during the current lockdown situation. As it was announced and implemented with very little warning, many of us don’t have the correct equipment and setting for home working.  Tapping away on a laptop at the kitchen table may sound ideal but it can soon lead to […]

Coronavirus: 61% of employees feel anxious, distracted or stressed

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Nearly two thirds of employees said their most common feelings amidst the coronavirus pandemic are anxiety, stress or distraction, with job security being the dominant reason for the emotion. That’s according to research from employee engagement survey specialist Inpulse, which shows that of the negative and positive emotions employees could choose, just seven percent selected ‘focused’ […]

Majority of PAs worried work pressures are affecting their health

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Over 60 per cent of PAs in the UK are worried that workplace stress is affecting their health – with long hours, heavy workloads, disorganised bosses and being constantly ‘on call’ contributing to the pressure they feel. The results of a widescale survey of Personal and Executive Assistants carried out by PA Life were revealed […]

Stress and the PA – tell us your experiences

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PA Life is conducting a widespread survey into the stress and workplace anxieties facing PAs, EAs and other Administration staff in 2020. Ahead of the PA Life Workplace Wellness & Wellbeing Summit later this month, we are conducting a first-of-its-kind survey looking at the hours you work, whether you can ‘switch off’ in the evenings […]

VIDEO: Third of commuters ‘stressed out before they arrive at work’

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The average commuter spends over five full days just driving to and from work every year, according to new research. The poll of 2,000 employed Americans who commute to work via car found in a typical year, the average commuter will spend 580 minutes going back and forth from work and their home in a […]

Stressful mornings? You’re not alone

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Breakfast is the most stressful time of the day – because of tantrums, queues for the bathroom and running out of milk for cereal. A study of 1,000 parents and their children uncovered a never-ending list of early morning responsibilities, with more than two-thirds feeling there are never enough minutes in the morning. Getting yourself […]

The top reason for sleepless nights? You guessed it – job stress

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Job stress is the top cause behind employees’ sleepless nights, with more than a third (34%) stating that stress stops them from getting enough sleep That’s according to research from Aetna International, which surveyed 4,000 office workers and 1,000 HR Directors across the globe to find out their thoughts on the current state of health care […]

20.3m British workers affected by money worries

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Just over half (52% vs 50% last year) of UK employees have to borrow money to meet basic financial needs. That’s according to Neyber’s third annual DNA of Financial Wellbeing report, which this year looked into money behaviours and attitudes of over 11,000 employees and 720 employers. Not surprisingly, financial worries are taking a toll on people. […]

59% of Britain’s working days lost to stress

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Tap Warehouse have investigated Stressed Out Britain – uncovering the rising stress levels and revealing how it affects everyone from the NHS to the workplace. Among the key findings of the report are:- Patients Suffering from Stress Take Up 18% More Bed-Days Than Those in Labour After analysing the past ten year’s worth of NHS hospital […]

Stress and poor leadership impacting workplace creativity

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The UK’s workforces are being creatively stifled because of high pressure and a lack of leadership skills, a new study has found. A study of 1,000 workplaces published in Thinking On Your Feet, a report by the commercial arm of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, RADA Business, has found that almost half (41%) of UK workplaces implement practises that […]

Need a holiday? Here are the tell tale signs

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It takes four missed work deadlines, five grumpy mornings and six nights in a row of poor sleep for the average person (well, American) to finally realise they need to take a vacation. That’s according to a survey of 2,000 Americans, which found other circumstances that prompt respondents to look into booking a holiday include […]

How to fight burnout in the workplace

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Burnout is a health hazard in the workplace. Paul Friday, Director of Strategic Relationships at leading HR and payroll provider MHR, explores how HR can help protect employees from stress before it spirals out of control… Be honest… do you ever dread going to work? Do work worries hang over you all weekend to the […]

51% of mothers worry about going back to work

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Over half of mothers worry about going back to work after giving birth, according to new research. A poll of 1,000 working mothers found — from worries about breastfeeding and finding the right work-life balance, to whether their role had changed while they had been away — 51 percent worried about being a working mother. […]