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Revealed: The UK’s employee burnout hotspots

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In 2019, the World Health Organisation (WHO) classed burnout as a diagnosable syndrome because of stress in the workplace. Burnout affects more people than previously thought, with research finding nearly a quarter of the workforce suffer on a regular basis. Symptoms of workplace burnout include: Feeling stressed Feeling cynical about working conditions and colleagues Emotionally distanced […]

Work-Life Balance: Is Over-Working Keeping You Single or Lonely?

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There are many forms of love that we can embrace. Love for your partner, love for your family, love for your friends, and even love for your job. Since the beginning of the 1990s, the weekly hours spent at work by people in the UK have shot up. For many, a job isn’t just a […]

These are the top 30 most stressful life situations

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First dates, work presentations and making phone calls to strangers are among the top 30 most stressful situations in life, according to research. A study of 2,000 UK adults found deadlines for work, bumping into an ex-partner and forgetting something important are other things which cause unnecessary distress. But running late to something like an […]

Eight things SME employers should know about burnout

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By Debra Clark, Head of Specialist at Towergate Health & Protection Employees are at greater risk than ever of suffering burnout and employers should consider putting in place preventative and curative measures. For SME employers in particular, who are likely to have less capacity, it is important to look at tackling burnout in a sustainable […]

How to improve your comfort and health at work

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The workplace has an enormous influence on your physical and mental health. Companies now take steps to enhance the welfare of workers in recognition that poor wellbeing can create huge productivity and economic losses. As an employee, you can also contribute towards improving your comfort and health at the office in several ways. From proper posture and positioning of […]

Here are the 50 most annoying things in life – Deleting spam emails anyone?

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A nationwide study has revealed the most mind-numbing experiences modern Brits face, with 28 percent claiming it drives them crazy when they have to pick bits of paper from clean laundry because someone left a tissue in their pocket. Having to scrape dog poo out of the grooves of your shoe with a twig, deleting spam […]

Eight ways to reduce stress in the workplace

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As businesses start to reopen and staff return to the workplace, Kayleigh Frost, Head of Clinical Support at Health Assured offers some advice on how to avoid stress in the workplace… It’s been quite the year for everyone, and while things are beginning to look a bit better, the added pressure of returning to work may […]

How do you manage employee workplace stress?

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For National Stress Awareness Month, Benenden Health’s Head Matron Cheryl Lythgoe provides insight into how employers can effectively manage employee stress amid the COVID-19 pandemic… Workplace stress is the harmful reaction that people have to undue pressure and demands placed on them at work, with research last year revealing that the jobs of nearly half of all […]

Stress: 5 problems it causes & 5 ways to get it under control

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With the effects of the pandemic and stressors surrounding Covid-19, stress-related absence is up 64% from 2019, and there has been a 39% increase in leave due to stress year on year. Short term stress can be good in small doses, as it can focus the mind, provide motivation and energise the body, which helps […]

Be Aware: Pressure at work = more bullying

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Employees experience more bullying on days with higher work pressure and passive avoidant leadership, according to new research from BI Norwegian Business School and the University of Bergen. Pressure is an increasing problem in working life as it can impact employee health and well-being. Leaders and managers have a responsibility to ensure good health and well-being […]

Fifth of managers consider quitting as COVID burnout strikes

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More than six in ten UK managers have experienced burnout at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic, with a fifth considering quitting their job as a result, according to new research from not-for-profit healthcare provider Benenden Health. Assessing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the nation’s workforce one year on, research has found that as […]

Taking back to work anxiety off the menu in hospitality

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There’s plenty of information out there at the moment about looking after our mental health in lockdown and trying to maintain a normal and healthy lifestyle, but what about after lockdown? Back to work anxiety was bad enough for some of us on Sunday nights after a weekend of leisure time and lie ins. But […]

New research shows worker burnout up 33%

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Employee burnout is reaching new highs, with aggregated data from 1.75 million employee-engagement surveys carried out this year showing 5.41% of employees provided free-text comments that spoke to fatigue, being overwhelmed and other potential signals of burnout. By contrast, January’s reading was just 4.08%. The past two years have averaged 4.12% — a 33% rate rise. […]

Second lockdown could spur second wave of mental ill-health among business leaders

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More than three quarters of business leaders (78%) have experienced poor mental health during the pandemic and experts are warning that tighter COVID restrictions could spur a new wave, exacerbated by pressures on business, the economy and reduced personal freedoms. This is according to Bupa Global’s Executive Wellbeing Index, the first to chart the impact […]

Health and wellbeing provider sees spike in stress and anxiety calls

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Data from health and wellbeing provider Health Assured has revealed that the number of people calling for stress and anxiety support on its EAP (employee assistance programme) helpline increased by 22% in the first three weeks of September compared to the first three weeks in August. In comparison to the same time last year, calls […]

Female employees have more health and wellbeing concerns than their male colleagues

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GRiD, the industry body for the group risk sector, asked 1,165 UK employees about their health and wellbeing concerns, and found that female employees have more concerns than their male colleagues. The survey asked employees to consider six key areas of health and wellbeing and identify whether they were of personal concern to them. The […]

32: The age you’re most likely to experience career burnout

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Workers are most likely to experience career burnout at the age of just 32, a study has found. A poll of 2,000 employed adults found nearly a third have felt like they can’t go on at some point in their career due to being stressed and exhausted. More than half of those put this down […]


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Stressed out Brits are being consumed by their lack of sleep, financial worries and struggles with staying in shape for more than 12 hours per week, a new study has found. A survey of 2,023 UK drivers conducted by Auto Trader has revealed that one in three adults feel the effects of stress on a regular […]