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Posts Tagged :

wellbeing month

Wellbeing Month…

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January is ending and with it brings the final week of Wellbeing Month at PA Life. But, this doesn’t mean the end of looking after yourself, and we will continue to share tips on how to ensure wellness is a priority for you throughout 2021. During the year, there are a number of awareness days […]

Your wellbeing guide to 2021

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By Emma Quainton, Head of Business Development, Hope Health Hope Health is a company committed to protecting mental health and wellbeing. From mental health first aid training to wellness webinars, promote wellbeing in your business with this wellbeing guide for 2021: January – New Year New You – A new year means time to focus and […]

Living, Working and Leading Consciously in 2021

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By Jess Ince, Director, INSYNC For the people whose jobs it is to look after and organise others, living consciously has never been more important. But what exactly does it mean? With everything going on in the world, it can be easy to succumb to worry and overwhelm, rather than existing and taking in the […]

How to help you and your team cope with the new normal

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By Shane Mansfield, Marketing Director at City Pantry  It’s that time of year when we start seeing ‘Blue Monday’ being posted about, arguably being the most ‘depressing day of the year’, and while not everyone might agree with it, it’s fair to say that the last year has left many feeling isolated, anxious and stressed.  […]

Mental health was a different ball game twenty years ago!

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By Romy Ashmore, Executive Assistant to Managing Director & Senior Leadership Team, RM Results According to the World Health Organisation, Mental Health is “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution […]

January Blues…

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Often after the excitement of Christmas and celebrating the start of the New Year, the January Blues kick in. This year, with the national lockdown and the new pressures this brings, it has been even tougher. So, looking after your mental health has never been more important. Blue Monday, thought to be the most depressing […]

Blue Monday

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By Chris Mullen, PhD, Executive Director, The Workforce Institute at UKG With the new year starting in lockdown in the UK, and the month of January involving Blue Monday—thought to be the most depressing day of the year—there are many employee concerns that managers and organisations as a whole must recognise in order to alleviate anxieties in […]

VIDEO: A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body

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What internal scripts do you have running through your mind on any given day? Are they positive or negative? Transformational coach and healer Amy Gallagher explains why a healthy mind is as important as a healthy body and gives you tips on how to create a more empowering mindset. To book a session with Amy please […]

Happy New Year…

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So, once again the country is in another national lockdown. And many of us are concerned about how this will affect our mental wellbeing and – if you’re a PA, EA, or Office Manager – how this situation will likely result in a heavier workload. When working from home, it’s very easy to work extra […]

How to create a healthy balance between work and your relationship

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By Patricia Jackson, psychologist and relationship expert Juggling a career and a relationship can be hard work, especially if you are dedicated to your professional success. However, if you want to nurture a healthy personal life, it is vital to learn how to balance them. Were you in a long-term relationship when your career took […]

Video: Say no to New Year’s resolutions

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Transformational Coach and Healer Amy Gallagher explains why you should say no to New Year’s resolutions and instead focus on creating a bigger vision in 2021. New Year’s resolutions can often feel a bit negative and are usually about things that you should stop doing, for example: Stop smoking Stop drinking Lose Weight Use social […]