
Get back on track with these 8 time management tips


Time management is one of those skills that everyone in every industry needs. PAs have so many things to do in a day that itโ€™s essential to stay on track to get it all done. If youโ€™re having trouble, follow these eight tips from The Muse to get back on schedule.

These 8 time management tips will get you on track

1 Declutter:ย Time management is impossible if you have too much โ€˜stuffโ€™ in the way. Get your desk and inbox organised and practise mindfulness to clear your mind.

2 Plan ahead: Write out a to-do list of everything you need to get done every day (or week), whether itโ€™s on paper or on your computer.

3 Prioritise: Go through your to-do list and pull the most important tasks to the top so you can prioritise them first.

4 Be effective, not efficient: Donโ€™t race to get through your to-do list. Time management is about being more effective at your job, not doing things quickly just to tick them off.

5 Focus: Keep your mind focused on the few vital tasks on your list rather than trying to get more things done.

6 Finish every job: Donโ€™t be tempted to start a task and then move on to another one before itโ€™s finished.

7 Donโ€™t procrastinate: We all have to do things we donโ€™t like. Donโ€™t use that as an excuse to put something off until itโ€™s too late.

8 Keep it up: Once youโ€™ve got your time management technique down, keep it up. Donโ€™t slip back into your old ways.

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