
PA Life LIVE: Key learnings on rebooting business post-lockdown

Over 100 senior PAs and EAs attended the first PA Life LIVE digital conference which took place throughout the day of Wednesday June 24th.

Free to attend, the conference provided assistants with the tools to help their businesses return to work following the COVID-19 lockdown.

The morning kicked off with an insightful session by Process Safety Consultant for the British Safety Council Ian Travers on Risk Assessment & Planning For A Safe Office. This particular issue is one of the biggest challenges to ever face management teams and their assistants – and Travers provided guidance and insight on everything from cleaning and social distancing, to what steps to take in the event of a staff member showing systems of COVID-19.

Next up was the panel session ‘Planning For A New Kind Of Office Christmas Party’, featuring Yvonne Reay-Scott, Executive Assistant at Mount Anvil, Andrew Taylor, Head of Conference Centres at Warwick University, Claire Bowley, MD at Dynamic Conferences & Events and Jules France, Director of Space Meetings & Events. The group discussed how venues are gearing up for events in terms of safeguarding and social distancing; hosting virtual and hybrid team events and more.

Dani Littlejohn, Founder of Best Foot Forward Training, presented an inspiring discussion on How To Keep Teams Well and Motivated. She discussed the different types of personalities you will encounter within teams – and how to tailor your communication to get the best from them.

What Will Business Travel Look Like Post-Lockdown? is a question facing all PAs and EAs currently, whether it’s overseas trips or ground travel. Our expert panel included The Business Travel Association’s CEO Clive Wratten, Carolyn Pearson, Founder & CEO of Maiden Voyage, Yvonne Reay-Scott, EA at Mount Anvil and London Ambassador of Maiden Voyage, plus Donna Fitzgerald, Director of Sales & Solutions at Capita.

And finally the topic of Corporate Gifting and Staff Incentives & Rewards was on the agenda for our panel session – which comprised Sheila Attwood, Managing Editor at XpertHR, Jamie Owens, Director of Sales & Partnerships at Hussle, Simon Berry, MD of High Five Rewards and Andy Lawson, Founder & CEO of Boroughbox.

The PA Life LIVE digital conference would not have been possible without the support of our sponsors. So a big thank you to our Event Partners Appetite For BusinessBorough BoxBrushbox, CrescendoDRP GroupEventifyInspire Me TravelIntelligent Finger PrintingNational ExpressNot Just TravelParker Car ServicesLondon Jet CharterSteamed EggTBR GlobalInnoventiveDuctwork Compliance, Teagpigs, Penguins and Warwick Conferences.

And a big thank you for everyone who attended and supported the event. See you next time!