
Working longer hours increases the risk of heart disease
Working longer hours increases the risk of heart disease
1000 562 Molly Dyson

A decades-long study of nearly 2,000 office workers has revealed a correlation…

Cost-saving tips from Love Energy Savings
Businesses shifting pension allowance risk to employees
1000 562 Molly Dyson

Employers are shifting the responsibility of ensuring pension contributions do not break…

Equal pay
Employers need to take action to tackle gender inequality
1000 562 Molly Dyson

As the consultation closes on the Government’s draft gender pay reporting regulations…

Friday fun: unusual places to work. A converted pub in Peckham
Friday fun: unusual places to work
1000 562 Molly Dyson

Nobody ever said your workplace has to be a boring, bog-standard office.…

Office gossip you should never share with your boss
Gossip about work affects productivity
1000 562 Molly Dyson

We all know that gossip is a huge time waster that takes…

The gender pay gap is widening at management levels
Men and women see the workplace differently
1000 562 Molly Dyson

US-based corporate training start-up Bridge recently surveyed 1,000 office workers to find…

How to stay resilient at work
Evaluate your ideals to deal with stress
1000 562 Molly Dyson

The word “stress” seems to be synonymous with modern life, especially when…

Drinking more water can help with weight loss
Water can help with weight loss
1000 562 Molly Dyson

Drinking more water can help with weight loss, according to a new…

PA Life and
PA Life features online booking tool for small meetings
1000 562 Molly Dyson

These days most people book everything from dinner reservations to travel online,…

Tips to find a job you love
10 things to look for in a job search
1000 562 Molly Dyson

Whatever your reason for starting a job search, it’s important to be…

Steven Tyler on stage
Steven Tyler’s relationship with PA gets serious
1000 563 Molly Dyson

Rumours have been floating around since 2014 about Aerosmith singer Steven Tyler…

Woman enjoying career success
Inspirational tips for International Women’s Day
1000 562 Molly Dyson

Today is International Women’s Day, a time to celebrate the successes of…

A meticulous document management system
7 tips for better document management
1000 563 Molly Dyson

Every company has its own approach to document management, but with the…