
Absent without leave over Christmas? A quarter of Millennials will be

For many UK employees the pressures of juggling family, health and care demands alongside work commitments are a cause of major stress, anxiety and unplanned absences from work.

That’s according to new research from Benenden Health, which says although a quarter of employees (25%) said unapproved absences from work had been down to over indulgence and the aftermath of the Christmas party, sick days were more widely taken to manage a variety of childcare, personal health and family commitments over the yuletide period.

A survey of 1,000 employees and 1,000 UK SMEs undertaken by the not-for-profit corporate healthcare provider revealed one in eight UK workers (13%) say they have taken unapproved leave at Christmas to manage personal health and family care commitments, and one in five (20%) lied to their employer about the reason for doing so.

The data revealed that the youngest generations were most likely to take unapproved leave at Christmas, with a third of Generation Z workers (31%) and a quarter of Millennials (23%) revealing they have done so in the past compared to just 2% of Baby Boomers.  

One in five workers (20%) who have taken unauthorised leave did so as the only way to secure a GP appointment, 18% took days to look after an elderly parent and 16% resorted to sick days to look after their children during school closures. 

More than one in seven (15%) of those absent took time off specifically to manage mental health and anxiety issues heightened by the pressures of Christmas, with Millennials suffering the most of all generations (19%).

According to the survey, less than half of all workers (44%) have access to support and flexible working over Christmas to help them cope with the heightened demands of family, health and care commitments.

One in seven (15%) businesses confirmed they have experienced greater levels of unapproved absence at Christmas, with some of the most creative reasons given by employees including โ€˜eating too much Christmas puddingโ€™, โ€˜thinking they had the week off after the Christmas partyโ€™ and โ€˜losing car keys in the snowโ€™.

According to the survey data, more than a quarter (28%) of employees say their most desired workplace benefit is flexible working, with this topping the wish list for Generation Z, Millennial and Generation X employees. However, only 38% of SMEs offer this – and more than half of all businesses surveyed revealed they have never consulted employees about what they would value in a benefits package.

Helen Smith, Chief Commercial Officer at Benenden Health, said: โ€œWe associate Christmas with joy and celebration, but in reality, it can be a really stressful time at work, especially when employees have a significant amount on their plate both inside and outside the workplace.

โ€œBy listening to workers and catering for their unique needs โ€“ in this instance, offering flexible working over the festive period, especially for younger employees, or having a suitable healthcare policy in place to allow for easy access to medical appointments and GPs for all the family – can minimise stress, absenteeism and ultimately increase the productivity of a workforce and overall performance of a business.โ€

To download Benenden Healthโ€™s guide to managing the needs of a multigenerational workforce, go to: