
Adults failing to walk 10 minutes a month

Healthcare officials have revealed that Brits are struggling to get any physical exercise, with nearly half of adults over 40 not even walking for 10 minutes a month. Public Health England are urging the public to get their heart racing more often in a bid to boost British health and save lives.

Women were slightly better compared to men in the study, with research revealing just 37.9% of women aged 40 to 60 were found to walk briskly for less than 10 continuous minutes. Around 3 million British adults around the country are considered ‘physically inactive’ by the health service, with those in more financial deprived areas of the country suffering more. Despite this, a continuous and brisk 10 minute walk could have a major impact on the nation and reduce the risk of early death by 15%.

“I know first hand that juggling priorities of everyday life often means exercise takes a back seat,” said Public Health England’s Dr Jenny Harries, according to the BBC. “But walking to the shops instead of driving, or going for a brisk 10-minute walk on your lunch break each day, can add many healthy years to your life.”

One in six deaths are linked to inactivity, with the NHS trying to encourage the public to ‘walk your way to health’. Introducing the free Active 10 app, the NHS is hoping Brits will be tempted by option to improve physical and mental health without the need for gym membership, bulky equipment or neon Lycra.

Do you do enough exercise to keep alert in the office? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.