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Treat Your Staff
Treat Your Staff
Story Events - until Feb

Bosses reveal the worst employee traits

While most people donโ€™t intentionally try to get on their bossโ€™ bad side, sometimes a workerโ€™s actions can lead to growing distrust and dwindling respect between employees and management. Be it appearance, manners or work ethic, managers have revealed the top 20 ways to irritate employers, with many bosses caring less about more traditional annoyances.

Staying away from the internet when not necessary is a major pull for many bosses, as spending too much time on social media and on their phone both ranked in the top 10 ways to get into a superiorโ€™s bad books. Respect is another issue facing modern bosses, particularly as younger workers are found to have less manners or social skills than their older counterparts. Not telling the truth and lying about missed deadlines will label staff as untrustworthy and could even lead to less career progression.

Modern employers in small or medium businesses are less likely to take note of a workerโ€™s style, while 44% of bosses considered a positive โ€˜go-getterโ€™ attitude in the office to top the list of most valuable qualities for an employee. Working hard and communicating your ideas can be a great help to those trying to get noticed at work, as one in three bosses revealed they had a favourite employee.

โ€œHaving a great team is one of the most important business success factors and whatโ€™s more, they are the people you have to spend most of your life with,โ€ said James Kinsella from Instantprint. โ€œWhen everyone is under pressure, positivity will always be appreciated, if not needed by managers.โ€

You can view the full list here

Top 10 ways to get on your bossโ€™s bad side

  1. Having a negative attitude
  2. Lying about jobs they have completed
  3. Refusal to work as a team
  4. Poor manners
  5. Being disorganised
  6. Spending too much time on social media
  7. Spending too much time on their phone
  8. Poor hygiene
  9. Inattentiveness
  10. Procrastinating

Whatโ€™s the worst qualities youโ€™ve found in an employee? Are the bosses just as bad? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.