
Clock is ticking on workers who are ‘too busy to have fun’

Half of UK workers know somebody who has taken time off work for stress

Brits are facing ‘time poverty’ as half of workers admit there aren’t enough hours in the day, according to a new study. Findings by Kelly’s of Cornwall reveal that too many are eating their dinner as late as 10pm and bringing work home with them without a chance to adequately switch off and relax in the evening.

In a campaign called the Art of Attes, Kelly’s of Cornwall is looking into how many Brits neglect ‘Attes’ – the Cornish word for being relaxed and unburdened. Believing the country is facing a wave of time poverty, the study showed that three quarters of employees consider themselves too busy to have fun, while 40% admitted they spend most of their time out of the office either working or doing housework.

To get everything done with time to relax, the average adult wished they had around three extra hours in their day, while almost one in 10 even said they couldn’t remember the last time they had a relaxing evening in to unwind. With concerns that nearly 90% think life is too serious for them, the nation’s wellbeing is at risk, and workers are being urged to make the time to breathe.

“A little playtime is essential for us all, whatever our age,” said psychologist and life coach Honey Langcaster-James. “It can be really beneficial for you to adopt a slower, less-hurried approach to the tasks you face, both at work and in your leisure time.”

Encouraging the public to take time out of their day to reflect and enjoy life a little more, Kelly’s of Cornwall has even encouraged time poor workers to grow a beard to cut out the time they’d spend shaving.

“It’s often expressed that the pace of life in Cornwall is slower and more laid-back than elsewhere, and we have a word here – Attes,” explained Charlotte Hambling from Kelly’s of Cornwall Ice Cream. “Sometimes it’s OK to not take life quite so seriously. We say, grab an ice cream, kick back and geddon!”