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How bosses need to treat their younger staff

Everyone engages with their management in different ways. Some need strong guidance while others benefit from a softer touch, and it’s up to bosses to decide whether they change managerial styles for different workers or if they choose a one-size-fits-all approach. Those that are willing to tailor their management skills to their employees are most likely to see a real impact in their workforce, however, especially in younger workers.

40% of workers surveyed by recruitment consultancy Freshminds revealed that leaders who take the time to understand their employees’ individual needs and push for the best results will often get them. Especially successful with younger recruits and entry level workers, the results showed that young staff strive to meet their expectations, given the right push.

Leaders who offer a democratic leadership style were also seen as successful with one in three employees. Giving workers their own voice and letting them feel comfortable enough to share a joke – and even a pint – with their bosses will lead to them feeling more responsible. One in 10, however, still thought an authoritarian, autocratic leadership worked best when dealing with youngsters.

A firm demeanour tends to work better for the older generation it seems, with a clear line of command preferred over more relaxed methods. In a modern office, however, the speed with which situations can change and the many methods of communications between management and employees mean it benefits the business much more to show younger workers how they handle business and give them something to work towards.

“Junior workers or millennials, whichever term of reference is favoured, embody a marked shift that is taking place,” explained James Callander, Managing Director at Freshminds. “They are driven by the desire to make a real difference for themselves, their colleagues and the organisation they work for.

“Organisations are increasingly vying with one another to gain a competitive edge not just in the markets they operate but also in terms of attracting and – crucially – retaining the talent they need to help them achieve their goals.”

How does management at your business deal with younger workers? Is change needed? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.