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How to find your perfect job

With the news that nearly half of the UK workforce will look for a new job this year, you may be thinking it’s time for you to move on too. But how can you find the perfect role? Here are some tips from Kelly Kendall, Managing Director of recruitment firm Cordant People.

Identify the job you want
First off, decide why you want to leave your current job, whether you need a new challenge or aren’t happy with your prospects. Next, set a personal mission statement that includes your ideal salary, industry, career path and benefits. This will help you identify the right job listings to focus on. Be realistic with your expectations and consider the skills you already have that can help.

Search for a career
If simply moving from job to job isn’t enough anymore, start thinking about your long-term career goals. Research companies you want to work for to find out if they’re right for you. Try to connect with current employees there to get the inside track. Once you’ve made a decision, register with recruitment agencies that might have an in and work with them to develop a top-notch CV – and don’t forget how vital LinkedIn is for recruiters and head hunters these days. Do this early enough and you’ll be more likely to grab the attention of those who matter when vacancies open.

Starting your new job
Once you’ve landed your ideal role, it’s important to continue making good first impressions. You may have won over the hiring manager, but your colleagues need to know you’re reliable too. Show up early for your first day, stick to the company dress code and have a good read of your contract and any staff policies. Take notes during your training and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Step up in times of need from the start and you’ll cement your dedication to the job.

Read the original article from The Guardian at