
How to tackle tension when travelling for business

As stress accounts for 37% of all work related illnesses, tackling mental health across jobs is beginning to top the agenda. Maintaining a good work-life balance is a major factor in reducing stress, but that balance can be upset when travelling away for work. When finding time to wind down becomes tougher, CitySuites operations director Gavin Bailey has provided his top five ways to find peace while on the road.

5 minute meditation
If you’re struggling to focus and feeling overwhelmed by your workload, a couple of minutes of inward reflection can help set your mind straight. Helping to clear chronic pain, boosting your immunity and even improving the health of your heart, a moment of meditation has physical relief as well as easing mental strain.

Run yourself calm
Feelings of frustration often need an outlet of energy, and cardio can provide just that. Exerting yourself can help expel your build-up of adrenaline and will also benefit your physical health. Whether a leisurely and paced jog, a quick sprint or some time on a treadmill, getting on your feet for a spell can help you concentrate when it all gets too much.

Hotel room yoga
As the deadline looms, going for a run might not always be possible. Some breathing exercises, stretches and poses can help you clear your head, focus your body and keep you on track. It can take just fifteen minutes and could reduce muscle ache and massage your organs, keeping you ready for whatever comes your way.

Outdoor reflection
Heading to a park, a patch of grass, or anywhere peaceful can help you soak in the atmosphere of your surroundings, generating calmness within. Having a positive impact on your blood pressure and a subconscious effect on your overall mindset, heading towards a green space can put you in touch with nature and let the office melt away for a while.

Mindful eating
When away from home, it’s easy to fall into bad eating habits that can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. Keeping an eye on your diet and stopping yourself from going for comfort food will help you feel more alert. Services such as Mindful Chef provide door-to-door delivery for fresh ingredients to help you stave off the urge for fast food that won’t help you last the day.

Try out Gavin’s techniques next time you’re on a business trip, and any other suggestions can be sent to us on Twitter @PALifeMag