
Nearly half of UK workers are ‘too busy’ to exercise

19% of Brits would wear their gym gear to work

A new survey from office furniture provider DBI Furniture Solutions has revealed that 46% of UK workers say they do not have enough time for daily exercise.

The survey aimed to find out when and how people are scheduling in their quota of exercise each day, and the results showed that almost half of us are too busy to workout. It’s a particularly big issue for women, with 48% claiming they struggle to fit exercise into their busy schedules, compared with 43% of men. It appears that young professionals are the least likely to factor exercise into their routines, with 52% stating that there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.

Those who do workout are most likely to hit the gym, participate in a sport, or go for a run after work (26%), whereas 17% get their quota of exercise in at the very start of the day.

Interestingly, a mere 6% said they use their lunch break in order to get active, while 5% said their employer regularly organises “team energisers” during the working day so that everybody has an opportunity to squeeze in a workout.

The Department of Health recommends that adults partake in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, but many of us are falling woefully short of this. The total cost of inactivity in England amounts to £8.2 billion a year, so it’s vital that changes are made.

Latest statistics published by the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD) showed that the average level of worker absence stands at 6.3 days a year per employee in the UK – costing companies a median £522 for each member of staff on an annual basis. It’s therefor imperative that more businesses take a proactive approach to ensuring their staff stay active. It’s worth their while in the long run, as fit, healthy staff are far less likely to take time off sick.

This guide from DBI Furniture Solutions is aimed at helping companies to encourage their staff to get active.

Nick Pollitt, Managing Director at DBI Furniture Solutions commented on the results of the survey: “It’s worrying, but perhaps unsurprising, that such a high percentage of the British working public struggle to fit exercise into their day. Maintaining a healthy social life alongside work commitments is difficult enough, and by the end of the day rigorous exercise is the last thing on our minds.

“On the other hand, it’s clear that businesses could be doing more to promote exercise in the workplace. When it comes to encouraging exercise, it’s the little changes that make a difference. From bringing fitness experts into the office for quick sessions, to installing a fresh water cooler, you can easily encourage healthier life choices for your team. It will ultimately save businesses money in the long term.”