
Offices a ‘breeding ground for romance’

Over a quarter of working Brits have met their partner at work.

Forget Tinder, PoF and other dating apps – apparently workplaces are a ‘breeding ground’ for romance, with two thirds of Brits having been romantically involved with a colleague – and over a quarter having met their current partner at work.

But before we clink the glasses of champers, the research has also found that 59 per cent of office relationships have led to resignations.

So, listen carefully, because the study by jobs search engine also discovered the drivers behind workplace relationships, the potential downfalls and even drilled down into the industries which are seeing the most romance, revealing:

  • One fifth (22 per cent) of work romances were with the boss
  • 75 per cent of workers said they were open to the possibility of a relationship with a colleague, and 41 per cent have fantasised about doing so
  • Only 28 per cent of those who have dated colleagues are still in the relationship
  • The Transport and Logistics industry is on the road to love, with 84 per cent within the industry claiming the highest amount of workplace relationships

Power of attraction, or attraction of power?  

The research also showed there is a widespread openness to the idea of dating a colleague, with 75 per cent saying they were open to the possibility and 41 per cent fantasising about doing so. Interestingly, 28 per cent of these fantasies were about someone in a higher position than them. This is reflected in the fact that over a fifth (22 per cent) of people who have dated somebody in the office, have done so with their boss.

For some people, these relationships had benefits other than just romance: 31 per cent of those who have dated someone in the office said it had benefited from it professionally. This national average was dwarfed by the figure in London – where 46 per cent of respondents who have been in a workplace relationship said they benefited from it.

Predictably different age groups started their relationships in different ways. While 18-24 year-olds were the most likely age group to start a relationship on a night out (27 per cent), nearly a third (28 per cent) of over-55s started their relationships by working late in the office. 

Don’t get your honey where you earn your money

Despite 57 per cent of people in a workplace relationship staying together for over a year, and a third of workers benefitting professionally, the negative implications are obvious. Near two thirds (59 per cent) of people who dated someone at work eventually resigned from the role as a direct result. A third (33 per cent) resigned because the relationship went sour, but 26 per cent made the ultimate sacrifice, resigning because they felt it was best for their relationship to succeed. To compound this, only 28 per cent of those who have dated colleagues are still in the relationship. It is, therefore, unsurprising that 18 per cent of workplaces ban dating in the workplace.

“With the traditional office job evolving and fewer people physically in the office from 9 to 5, we were surprised to see just how many people in the UK still find love in the workplace,” said Andrew Hunter, co-founder of Adzuna.

“Whilst 26 per cent of office romances have led to marriage and 27 per cent babies, a larger proportion at 59 per cent have left the company directly as a result – so workplace relationships should certainly be approached with caution.”