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Pitman Training supports National Work Life Week

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As organisations nationwide consciously address the balance of work and home life during National Work Life Week, especially for parents, Pitman Training is inviting people across the UK to take up their free place in their Work-Life Balance drop-ins, which sees the team share insights from their Work-Life Balance, Time Management and Influencing Skills seminars in a bid to help shave off overtime requirements and tackle the following findings from The Modern Families Index 2016:

  • A third of parents (29%) reported being burned out often or all the time
  • Four out of 10 parents say that work intrudes, stopping them spending time with children often or all the time
  • More than one in 10 UK employees work more than 50 hours per week
  • Workload is the main reason that working parents are putting in extra hours at work
  • Four out of 10 younger fathers would take a pay cut to improve their work-life balance
  • The relationship with a partner is also imposed upon often or all the time for a third of parents.

Offering a whole host of free advice alongside free brain food, Pitman Training’s branches nationwide are inviting employers to bring their staff along, but individuals are also welcome to attend independently – the overall goal being to help local workers achieve more productivity to try and reduce the need for work to blend into family time.

Pitman has also revealed that by improving typing speed by just 10 words per minute we could all save ourselves a whole working day per week, giving us all more chance of getting home on time! They have produced a ‘Seven Days To a More Productive You’ Infographic – found here – offering simple ways we can all approach our week to make ourselves more efficient.

Pitman Training MD Claire Lister said: “We have got behind this campaign because we often hear of parents who are really up against it, trying to fit a full-time job into part-time hours, trying to juggle kids pick-up and drop-off with finishing tasks that build up in the day – often this ends up with them taking work home. Anything we can do to help alleviate that and help parents, and all workers, achieve their work loads within their office hours rather than it eating into personal time, we are fully on board with”.

Claire added: “We’ll also be encouraging people to ‘go home on time’ on Wednesday, 5 October in support of National Work Life Week and will be sharing tips on our social media channels across the next week that could help people achieve this.”

National Work Life Week was launched by Working Families – the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation – runs 3-7 October and aims to promote harmony between working life and home life, and encourages us to find ways to strike a better balance.

Pitman Training has been synonymous with office-based training since Sir Isaac Pitman invented shorthand in 1837, and the company now helps thousands of students each year progress their careers through tailor-made study programmes and diplomas with one-to-one support at more than 100 local centres, as well as via online courses and short seminars to help top up skills. For more information see