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Make the most of LinkedIn

LinkedIn was launched in 2003 and by the end of 2014 it had nearly 350 million registered users in more than 200 countries and territories. Long considered the social networking site for professionals, if you’re in business, it is basically expected that you have a profile there. Being the largest network of professionals, LinkedIn has a wide range of purposes.…

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PA profile: Angie Williams

For most PAs, finding a specific industry in which you’re happy is not always a given. At the start of her career, Angie Williams managed to combine her knowledge of commerce and her skills as a shorthand typist to pave the way for a lifetime of interesting roles. Angie, who is the PA to Michael Izza, the CEO of the…

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How to get hired at your dream job

Personal assistants spend a lot of time at work so being in a role you enjoy helps make the day seem more bearable. Here are some helpful hints for finding your ideal job, as well as a few top tips for ensuring you get hired. It’s important to ask yourself some questions in order to figure out exactly what you…

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The Cystic Fibrosis Trust seeks executive assistant

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is recruiting an experienced executive assistant to support the organisation’s senior leadership team. This full-time role offers a salary of circa £25,000 and is based at the charity’s office in Bromley, Kent. This exciting role will provide administrative and executive support to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust’s senior leadership team, with particular responsibility for the Director of…

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The myths and realities of references

Most people think of references as a rubber stamp. You simply jot down your previous employers’ contact details, they say nice things about you and it helps you get a new job. The reality is far more complex, with many HR experts warning that unless people wake up to the wide-ranging myths surrounding references, they could wind up backtracking their…

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A memo from Leeanne Graham

Are you successful? What does that even mean? I remember when I posted on Twitter and Facebook that I was a finalist in the Executive PA magazine/Hays PA of the Year awards, I felt successful. My goal was to be as successful as I could be in my career, so surely this was success? This was recognition of all my work…

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How to interview

PAs are often called upon to conduct interviews, but don’t underestimate the importance of proper training – otherwise you may end up with someone unsuitable Interviewing skills are fast becoming another string to the PAs bow. As senior secretaries take on more and more management roles, many are expected to interview people to work under their supervision. In addition, many…

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The skills set

Continuing professional development can be just the boost your career needs, but what are the essential trends within training that PAs need to be aware of? PA Life Editor Colette Doyle quizzes the education experts “The 21st-century office has witnessed a dramatic transformation in working practices brought about by changes in technology and developments in management techniques. As a result,…

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Perfect practices for PAs

New and seasoned administrative professionals alike have a choice to make in their career: follow the crowd or become a leader. Each individual has a certain set of skills they can bring to the table and the key to succeeding is knowing your strengths and using them to your advantage. Here are 10 ways to capitalise on your expertise and…

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Mobiles make finding a job easier

These days you only have to look around at people on the high street to realise that the majority of them are busy with smartphones, tablets, or laptops and are probably connected to a wifi hotspot or their network data. It comes as no surprise then to learn that 86% of all job seekers use a mobile device to search…

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And now… something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d ensure…

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Education in action

Whether you’re starting out in your career or you’re looking to make your next move up the ladder, studying can be a great way to improve your chances of securing that dream job. Michael Cheary tells you how. While hard work and enthusiasm will help you progress in your career, enhancing your skills and knowledge is also an important way to…

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PA Life offers the right approach for job seekers

Research shows that a staggering 87 per cent of British employees will be looking round for a new position during 2014. Apparently, when they were quizzed on why they wished to move to pastures new, more than half (52.6 per cent) said it was because they didn’t get on with their boss. The other major grievance nursed by a good…

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And finally… something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d…

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Something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d…

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Former celebrity PA shares job-seeking tips

In a competitive job market, standing out from other applicants is not an easy task, so former high-profile celebrity personal assistant Brian Daniel has set out to help PAs land elite roles. Brian’s book, How to Find the Best Jobs: secrets to working with the high-net-worth, outlines tips for PAs on writing a fantastic CV and making sure it gets…

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Headhunter sets out to help execs

Writing a good executive assistant job description sometimes stumps employers because they don’t know exactly what will attract suitable candidates. Brian Daniel, former celebrity PA and headhunter to the stars, has written a guide to help businesses get applications from top job seekers. “It continues to amaze me that many employers don’t know how to write a robust job description,”…

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Cover letter mistakes to avoid at all costs

Having a great CV is not enough on its own – to get called in for an interview these days, it must be accompanied by an attention-grabbing cover letter. These two documents work hand in hand and you will fail to elicit the desired response from an employer if only one of them is any good. A bad cover letter…

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