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PA Profile: Hannah Jepson

I have a rare opportunity to go to Facebook’s London office to interview Hannah Jepson, Executive Assistant and 2016 winner of PA of the Year at the London PA Awards. Arriving at the Euston campus, Hannah’s welcoming smile immediately tells me this is going to be a great morning and we get down to the nitty gritty of her career.…

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Lack of digital skills harming UK productivity

A lack of digital skills among the UK workforce is causing problems in the boardroom and contributing to low productivity, a new survey suggests. The average British worker still regularly fails to set up presentations without support from the IT department, according to a survey of IT professionals conducted by independent research agency Vanson Bourne and commissioned by Barco ClickShare.…

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Tips for the perfect venue contract from Capita Travel and Events

Booking a venue? Don’t sign on the dotted line until you’ve read Capita Travel and Events’ expert checklist for what to look out for. Master the venue contract basics A contract should include the name of the space being booked and the times; factor in the time taken to set up/clear the room, especially for ‘blank canvas’ venues where you…

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How to write a CV when changing careers

Personalising a CV for the job you want can be a difficult task, especially as the way employers digest CVs continues to change, but the challenge can be even greater when faced with embarking on a new career path. Detailing which experience is the most relevant to your new job opportunities and understanding what different recruiters look for is a…

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UK workers choose Conte over Mourinho as ideal boss

Jose Mourinho may have ended the season with two major trophies following last week’s Europa League Final win, but his management style has divided opinion among fans and the media throughout the season. Now UK workers say his characteristics would make him a nightmare boss. A survey commissioned by leading jobs board totaljobs asked employees what qualities make for a…

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Big name speakers aren’t enough to inspire

High-profile keynote speakers aren’t enough to inspire meeting attendees, according to studies. Imago Venues examined how much is being done by the meetings industry to inspire future generations and business leaders as part of research in conjunction with Loughborough University and The Right Solution. The studies revealed that above big names and recognisability, 98% of organisers and delegates value passion…

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Interviewers throw ‘curveball’ questions to throw off candidates

Is it okay to snitch on a co-worker? What tree do you resemble most? If you could have dinner with anyone in the world who would it be, and why? These are the curveball questions employers are using to throw off candidates, according to new research. A new study by GoDaddy polled 1,000 recent graduates and 250 hiring managers from…

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Half of Brits snack in secret at the office

New research shows almost half of UK employees keep their workplace snack habits a secret from their partners. A survey by IronmongeryDirect shows 47% don’t tell their significant others about their eating habits, while a fifth lie about their snack and meal choices at work. Some (34%) even go so far as to bring in a healthy option but ditch…

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The importance of optimism

The idea that having a positive mental attitude will help us at work – and in our lives generally – has been with us for decades. There is now a body of evidence that optimism can help us in many ways. Dr Sally Norton, Founder of explains further Many people see positivity as a genetic trait – something they…

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Island getaway: Ocean at the Atlantic Hotel

Jersey is just a hop, skip and a jump from London and offers a great location for business meetings and dinners, as Daniel Fountain discovers at Ocean at the Atlantic Hotel When you are asked politely on arrival if you can wait before taking photographs to allow one of Jersey’s richest men to finish his lunch, it should give you…

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Only 1 in 4 UK firms undertake technical testing of their cyber security defences

The government’s Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2017 demonstrates UK business’ soft underbelly when it comes to cyber-attack vulnerability. According to the report, only a third of companies have a formal security policy in place and only one quarter of businesses have undertaken technical testing to evaluate their cyber security spending. A headlong leap into poorly-defined IT projects and ‘bring your…

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This is what a CV should look like in 2017

New research from HR experts has revealed the ideal CV for the digital age. Conducted by Copenhagen-based design company Novorésumé, the study hopes to turn CV building into an activity rather than another job for the to-do list as they compiled a list of the most important updates to make to your CV, and what you should avoid. Don’t over-fill…

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Top 10 stories of the week

We’ve had a busy week travelling to Leeds for the Conference and Hospitality Show, where we sponsored a PA-focused stream of content featuring the likes of Abigail Jones, Adam Fidler, Stuart Powell and Victoria Eames. It was great to connect with some of the northern-based PA community and we hope to see some of you again soon. We hope those…

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The Meetings Show offers more than 80 opportunities for learning and personal development

As uncertainty of the geopolitical landscape continues to grow, The Meetings Show is returning to deliver learning and development content relevant to many different types of meetings professionals. Covering aspects of technology, marketing & branding, meeting design, healthcare and leadership & management, as well as dedicated content for PAs in addition to agency and association days. Among the speakers is…

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Bosses don’t know what to do about belief at work

A new ComRes report about workplace diversity and inclusion suggests that British employers struggle to manage expressions of religion and belief in the workplace, and up to a million people in Britain may have experienced workplace harassment, discrimination or bullying because of their religion or belief. The Belief at Work study into faith in the workplace gathered informal insight from…

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7 self-care tips for PAs

Tara Jackson, ex-PA and holistic self-care and wellbeing coach, gives us her top tips for taking care of yourself despite a busy schedule. Being a PA can be quite stressful. There are consistent demands on you and your time, you’re often juggling numerous tasks, to-do lists and diaries and you are also often trapped in a building with minimal natural…

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Top 10 stories of the week

We’ve had a great week at PA Life, travelling down to Butlin’s Bognor Regis for our latest PA roundtable discussion – watch out for the full write-up in our March/April issue at the end of the month. With warm weather teasing us, we’re definitely ready for the weekend. First, let’s look at our most popular stories of the week. 1. 7…

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