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Negotiate the office ‘housework’

Studies show that women are more likely than men to agree to help out around the office when asked. While these often-thankless tasks are necessary to keep the business running, saying “yes” too often creates an expectation and you’re more likely to be under appreciated. It’s therefore important to negotiate better terms for your own benefit when considering taking on…

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Style your way to success

Matching your image to your ability is a skill that communicates competence, credibility and gives you the edge in today’s competitive corporate world. Jo Smallbones presents her tips for dressing for business success Think of the best two or three key words that describe you. If you find this challenging, ask a friend or colleague who knows you well. When…

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How to be happier at work

What makes us happy at work? When we think of making ourselves feel more fulfilled, we think of gaining more skills, confidence, or aptitude. Here are five suggestions for things we could give up to be happier at the office. We’re not talking lunchbreaks, but simple attitude changes that could revolutionise your working life. 1 Give up your need to…

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Overcome challenges faced by PAs

Today’s business climate is highly challenging and constantly evolving and management assistants need to be on top of things to ensure they can face any challenge confidently and with authority. Here are some valuable pointers on steps you can take to prepare for all kinds of workplace situations. Be braced for change With so many different developments to the forefront,…

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Managing modern technology

Devices in the workplace improve efficiency and productivity, but manage them carefully or they can also be a distraction. The arrival of smart phones, notebook laptops, tablets and high speed internet has undoubtedly had a positive impact on our lives, dramatically changing the way we interact with others and the modern workplace. Technology now enables us to work anywhere, anytime,…

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Bolster your social networking profile

Following on from our guide to using LinkedIn, PA Life considers the impact our social networking posts have on career development. Most of us use social networks, both for career networking and also as a light-hearted way of keeping in touch with friends. But have you Googled yourself lately? Or checked that your Facebook profile or recent Twitter entries are…

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How to organise a conference

Organising a conference can seem a bit daunting but if you work through the decision-making process, you can stage the perfect event. Here are some top tips for putting together a successful meeting. How do I start?First, decide what you want to achieve from the conference and your budget. Then work through the checklist. What do I look for in…

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And now, something for the boss

At PA Life we’re devoted to bringing you the very latest news, tips, advice and recommendations on a whole smorgasbord of topics that we hope are of interest to you in your professional lives. Since our most popular stories seem to be those that provide suggestions on how to engender a better working relationship with your manager, we thought we’d…

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Believe in yourself to succeed

The most successful PAs are able to deal with new people on all levels, manage events and talk to large groups with no apparent concerns. Although we call this confidence, what these impressive people actually have is high self-esteem; a firm belief in and respect for themselves and their abilities. Self-esteem is the opinions and beliefs you hold about yourself.…

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PA profile: Angie Williams

For most PAs, finding a specific industry in which you’re happy is not always a given. At the start of her career, Angie Williams managed to combine her knowledge of commerce and her skills as a shorthand typist to pave the way for a lifetime of interesting roles. Angie, who is the PA to Michael Izza, the CEO of the…

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Why confidence is key for smart PAs

Administrative professionals have a difficult job that includes a huge range of responsibilities. As somebody who supports a manager, it’s important for a PA to possess high self-esteem and there are three aspects of their professional abilities in which confidence is a must. SkillsPAs are given the unique opportunity to develop a broad range of skills throughout their career, which…

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Become more assertive at work

The role of the PA has always been one that requires a certain amount of self-confidence. With such a wide variety of tasks to handle on a daily basis and the need to concentrate on them in order to be successful, it’s important for management assistants to know how to be assertive when they feel under pressure Do you feel…

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Learn the art of delegation

The art of delegation can be difficult to master, but it is a vital workplace skill. Effective delegation can save you time, energy and stress while building a strong, successful team who feel valued. People often avoid delegating tasks, because they struggle to relinquish control or don’t have faith in the abilities of their colleagues, or simply because they lack…

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An international affair

While you may be experienced at organising meetings and booking venues in locations you’re familiar with, it can be daunting when asked to organise an event overseas. Jo Egan is on hand to help you out Travel logistics When you are planning a meeting overseas it goes without saying that there will be some international travel involved and you should…

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Techniques for better communication

To achieve the positive outcomes we require from our business interactions, we need to communicate accurately and effectively. So how can you improve your interpersonal communication skills? If you are asked to name the most important tool you use in your day-to-day life you might not think immediately of your communication skills, but our ability to communicate effectively in business,…

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Top tips for effective EAs

Top PAs and EAs are responsible for enabling their bosses to work effectively, but what skills do they need in gain in order to be as efficient as they can be? Here are some helpful hints for those looking to give their career a boost Choose who you work for carefullyPerhaps not the most useful place to start if you’re…

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Aim to achieve

When you’re faced with a seemingly impossible task or deadline at work, the trick to success is to adopt a positive attitude – you might be surprised at what you’re capable of achieving, says Simon Hartley “This is impossible!” Have you ever said those three little words? Even if it were only to yourself, do you find yourself faced with…

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Dealing with a difficult boss

A difficult boss can make life unpleasant, frustrating, or even terrifying. Here’s how to get the best from this tricky situation. We’ve all had a boss who is difficult to work with at some point in our working lives, and although they may frustrate or terrify you, your working relationship with them will affect your day-to-day work, your own ability to…

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