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Nine ways to get fit at work

American insurance company Independence Blue Cross recently gave the Philly Voice its top tips for staying fit if you’re stuck inside at a desk during the workweek. Walk or bike to workIf you’re lucky enough to live slightly closer to work, try switching your car or train journey for a brisk walk or bike ride into the office. If you…

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Time of month affects your work schedule

According to author, teacher and speaker Miranda Grey, speaking to MailOnline, the secret of success for women in the workplace can be put down to where they are in their menstrual cycle,  Miranda, who has written The Optimized Woman: Using The Menstrual Cycle To Achieve Success And Fulfillment, advised women to start something new the week after their period, schedule meetings for…

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Work-life balance programmes are reducing staff stress

Research from Britain’s Healthiest Company shows UK companies are waking up to the importance of managing employee stress – but more can be done   The study highlights that corporate work-life balance programmes are the most effective at reducing stress at work, with 71% of employees who tried them saying they were of benefit. But while over 70% of companies…

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Women office workers talk harassment

News research conducted by a London-based employment law firm asked people to recount the most offensive things they had ever had said to them at work   Research found that jibes about people’s age, appearance, nationality, and even eating habits, were rife, as were sexist comments made to women.   Law firm Thomas Mansfield has published the most provocative admissions…

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The trend for team building is simplicity

Sam Sutton, director of New Forest Activities, gives PA Life an insight to how the team-building industry has changed over recent years and the vital role PAs play in organising these events. Q: Is there a typical client that books an outdoor team-building event?A: Broadly speaking there are three genres of clients that come to us, for very different reasons.…

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7 traits of highly efficient people

Everyone wants to perform to the best of their ability. But improving your own productivity can be tricky when all you’ve been given to go on is ‘work harder’. To help, Samsung has taken the time to identify seven traits that highly efficient workers often possess and display on a regular basis. 1. Stop multitasking Research has shown the brain…

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Ignore those interruptions

It sometimes feels like the world is trying to stop us from doing our jobs, with endless phone calls, emails and meetings. Here Andrea Osborne gives her best advice for avoiding common distractions Emails, Pinterest, Twitter, phone calls, favours for a colleague or client – all examples of the many distractions and interruptions that challenge PAs during a typical working…

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Christmas party theming tips from BMA House

Planning a themed event for Christmas? Find out why you should be booking now and how you can bring it to life. BMA House?s Rebecca Hurley gets out her theming tips How to plan a themed Christmas party at a venueWe know it feels wrong to even be thinking about Christmas in August, but there?s really no such time as…

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Suffering from job burnout?

We often hear the term ?job burnout? in the workplace – the state of chronic stress that leads to exhaustion. According to burnout specialist Ben Fanning, ?With the demands of the global economy, conference calls with coworkers around the globe, and the endless stream of emails, it?s even more likely you?ll hit job burnout early on in your career.” He…

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How to spot a ‘bad boss’

Bad bosses ? throughout our careers, we?ve all had at least one. A recent Saratoga research report authored by Leigh Branham revealed that 68% of employees leave a job because of their boss. However, some of the reasons this happens go deeper than mere personality clashes. Award-winning marketing director, entrepreneur and author Alan O?Rourke says: ?The dishonourable side of leadership where responsibility…

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Getting there on time, every time

Getting your executive to a meeting on time takes planning and forward thinking. Having a taxi company that can meet your needs is key, says Chris Boud Don?t you just hate it when people are late? You got up early, downed your morning cup of coffee in one go, ran for your bus and almost missed the train, only to…

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Survey: PAs are a ‘special’ bunch

Speak to most successful, accomplished senior managers and they?ll tell you that if it wasn?t for a personal assistant dealing with direct communications, diary and event planning as well as the constant stream of emails they receive ? they wouldn?t be in the position they have found themselves in. Nowadays, PAs are the heart of many an organisation and play…

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PA profile: Stuart Martin

There?s an old adage that you shouldn?t judge a book by its cover, but one look at Stuart Martin reveals an out-going person who loves his job. His passion becomes even more obvious once he?s engaged in conversation ? this is one happy management assistant. It would be difficult for Stuart to feel otherwise; he was recently head hunted for…

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Triumph in the face of diversity

The long-running, award-winning US drama Mad Men came to an end in May this year after seven years of shining a light on the glamourous world of advertising in New York and California during the 1960s. But for all the glitz and glamour, the show also highlighted the sometimes painfully slow progression of workplace diversity practices during the period. Thankfully,…

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Learn the art of negotiation with Clearwater Events

When it comes to negotiating rates at venues and hotels, many have a strategy for negotiating the very best deal. Some take a hard line approach; others play venues, hotels and agencies against each other in a hope to secure to the deal. Some consolidate, whilst others don?t. Clearwater Events believes there are simple tools that, when applied, pay dividends…

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6 irritating office rules

Every company needs to have rules – a set of guidelines to adhere to. Problems arise however, when the office rulebook is continuously added to by the powers that be, and pernickety points that don?t necessarily need to be implemented, are. Dr. Travel Bradberry, co-author of Emotional Intelligence, highlights the 6 main rules that irritate employees most: 1. Limiting Internet Usage…

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Part 1: Approaching a PA job search

Today?s top-flying personal and executive assistants are no longer glorified secretaries, they are managing big budgets and making key business decisions. In the first instalment of our PA recruitment two-parter, whether you?re just starting your job search or keen to advance your career, here are things you should keep in mind when looking for your next role. The changing nature…

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Gain a moral compass with Clearwater Events

The recent horrendous attacks in Tunisia have left many PA?s questioning which areas are now safe to organise events. There are many countries that advocate laws not aligned with our own. Yet, when it comes to arranging events, we often consider these countries as desirable places to visit. There are many event destinations that go against our human rights policy,…

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