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Time to take control

Are you feeling overwhelmed by information overflow? Then you’ll be glad to know that help is at hand. Here, Patty Cruz-Fouchard talks you through a simple three-step filtering system that will help you take charge and get organised.   Executive and personal assistants are essential members of an efficient work team whose contribution is vital for the success of a…

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PAs in the news

Politicians are not always the best-loved public figures, in fact they often inspire outbursts of unreserved loathing, but it seems that some of them at least are thought of with fondness by a certain section of the population – their personal assistants. Barack Obama’s former PA, Reggie Love, has brought out a book that details the habits of the US…

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Psychometric testing explained

If you’re new to this form of assessment, the idea of being ‘psychologically tested’ may be a bit daunting, especially if you’re unsure of exactly what this means and what it will entail. Here, PA Life outlines the basics Traditional recruitment and selection procedures are a familiar process for most of us and when applying for a new job or…

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Help from halfway around the world

Modern work practices have dramatically changed the way many companies think about staffing needs. With technology advancing by the day and the internet available just about anywhere in the world, the ability to work remotely is being used more and more, as is evidenced by the growth in interest in the market for virtual assistants. Outsourcing jobs to other countries…

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Know your board better

Supporting a director and the logistics of managing their affairs requires a lot of attention. Janet Ashford and Paul Munden discuss the five things every assistant should know about their boss and the board What kind of leader is your director?Running a business in today’s complex corporate world requires strong leadership. There is a range of management styles that a…

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Not in the job description

Sewing your boss’s trousers. Not exactly the kind of daily duty you’d expect today’s high-flying PAs to be doing. But is there anything they can do about it? In a recent survey, recruitment company Crone Corkill revealed the extent of the problem. Despite executive assistants being hired for their secretarial and organisational abilities, almost half said they have been asked…

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PAs in the news

PAs who look after celebrities – both past and present – have been in the papers recently, with X Factor winner James Arthur resorting to dismissing his personal assistant after his phone was allegedly used to send abusive text messages to a model. 25-year-old James denies sending lewd texts to glamour model Teddy Edwardes after she posted screen grabs of…

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Choosing the right TMC

Travel management companies (TMCs) provide specialist advice and expert itinerary planning to make your life much easier. Here, PA Life helps you find the TMC that’s right for you What is a TMC?Formerly called business travel agencies, they largely booked and delivered air tickets. Now, a TMC will provide expert itinerary planning and exceptional buying power, central billing and management…

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The Cystic Fibrosis Trust seeks executive assistant

The Cystic Fibrosis Trust is recruiting an experienced executive assistant to support the organisation’s senior leadership team. This full-time role offers a salary of circa £25,000 and is based at the charity’s office in Bromley, Kent. This exciting role will provide administrative and executive support to the Cystic Fibrosis Trust’s senior leadership team, with particular responsibility for the Director of…

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The myths and realities of references

Most people think of references as a rubber stamp. You simply jot down your previous employers’ contact details, they say nice things about you and it helps you get a new job. The reality is far more complex, with many HR experts warning that unless people wake up to the wide-ranging myths surrounding references, they could wind up backtracking their…

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Bosses bother assistants

If you’ve ever found yourself carrying out personal errands for your boss – picking up his or her dry cleaning, paying bills, or running out of the office to buy their partner’s birthday present – take heart in knowing you’re not alone. A US study shows that 23% of PAs across the pond are regularly asked to take care of…

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How to interview

PAs are often called upon to conduct interviews, but don’t underestimate the importance of proper training – otherwise you may end up with someone unsuitable Interviewing skills are fast becoming another string to the PAs bow. As senior secretaries take on more and more management roles, many are expected to interview people to work under their supervision. In addition, many…

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The bounds of good behaviour

Training is vital to enable management assistants to do the best they can in their roles. Merryl Futerman and Josephine Green explain how crucial it is to continue your professional education as the PA community enters a new era The role of the PA can sometimes be an isolated one. While companies often provide training for team members and managers,…

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Remain resolution savvy

It may be February, but it’s still early enough in the year to set yourself goals for the next 12 months. Keeping up with resolutions can be an arduous task, but maintaining momentum has got easier since the invention of smart phones. Here’s a look at some of the apps that can help you stay motivated. Organisation is key for…

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Check out these top traits of effective executive assistants

Good project and time management skills and the ability to communicate effectively are well known as essential qualities that all dedicated administrative professionals should possess, but other soft skills can be just as important. Being curious is a great trait to have says HR and recruitment expert Sharon Tsao, as it means you’re more likely to be able to carry…

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The skills set

Continuing professional development can be just the boost your career needs, but what are the essential trends within training that PAs need to be aware of? PA Life Editor Colette Doyle quizzes the education experts “The 21st-century office has witnessed a dramatic transformation in working practices brought about by changes in technology and developments in management techniques. As a result,…

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Clean up with this helpful desk diet

Failure to keep on top of clutter at work means that the average UK office desk is weighed down by almost a stone of workspace-related paraphernalia. Research suggests that this can lead to stress, spats and even official warnings from bosses. That’s why Product & Solutions Manager at Brother UK Andy Johnson has come up with some helpful hints on…

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Top tips for the office festive party season

Christmas is the time of year when most companies reward their employees for their hard work by hosting a party. The majority of workers behave appropriately, but sometimes behaviour gets out of control, so it’s important to remember that employment laws apply even when a party takes place somewhere other than the workplace. Employers should consider the risks of sexual…

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