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Heat up your business lunch meeting: High-end restaurant delivery app, Yolk, brings London’s finest restaurants to your office using industry-first heating technology

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Yolk ( launched in Autumn of 2021 as London’s new fine restaurant delivery service with an industry-first heating system delivering the city’s best restaurants to corporates as the chefs intend– perfectly presented, fresh and hot. The heating plate technology and specially trained riders that act like waiters ensure high-quality restaurant food is kept at optimum […]

Four top technologies that are used in modern education

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By Pauline Jensen, Outreach Specialist, Essay Expert Technology has grown so much during the past 15 years. Nowadays, students and businesses would find it difficult to survive without computers or cell phones. They are part of everyone’s lives and there is no surprise that the modern education process involves different programs and applications to help […]

RIP Email: 43% of businesses plan to ‘scrap email’ as main source of employee communication due to Covid-19 lockdown

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Four in 10 businesses are actively considering replacing email as the main source of communication with employees following the Covid-19 lockdown period. The findings are contained in a new poll commissioned by the Parliament Street think tank and conducted by independent survey Censuswide which quizzed 200 senior decision-makers in large and medium sized UK businesses about how […]

What your mobile phone says about you…

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The apps you keep on your phone can show if you’re stressed, have a tidy home or if you’re a bit of a party animal, it has emerged. They can also provide a host of other insights into your state of mind, your outlook on life and your motivations, a leading psychologist has revealed. It […]

App of the Week: Marlin

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A new app for EAs and PAs says it cuts out the middleman for job seekers. An app called Marlin, designed specifically for Personal and Executive Assistants on the hunt for a new job, says it can put users in direct contact with employers without the need to submit a CV or deal with recruitment agencies. So how […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. How to motivate yourself to get back to work in January  Going back to work in January is for most people, the least motivated you’ll feel all year, due to […]

What will be the most downloaded Apps in January 2019?

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January is a time for reinvention and making yourself the best version of ‘you’ that you can be, with a lot of us relying on our smartphones to aid our journey. Apps have never been as popular as they are today, with an average of nearly 1,500 new apps uploaded to app stores a day […]

Top stories of the week

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As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. Real-life Christmas party horror stories  Over the past few weeks, Vincenzo Ferrara has been busy curating the PA Life guide to the juiciest real-life Christmas party horror stories. How to […]

How modern tech has saved us time

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Internet banking, portable battery chargers and email are just some of the ways that modern tech has saved us both time and energy, but what other top tech creations have helped save us time? Modern technology is saving Brits the equivalent of two weeks every year – or almost two and a half years of […]

App to date

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There are thousands of apps added to smartphone app stores every day. Sometimes it can be tricky to keep on top of which apps we need in our phones and which are just a waste of space? Vincenzo Ferrara, PA Life staff writer, has been searching through the app stores to create a comprehensive list […]


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Well, would you? Incredibly, it would seem that 15 per cent of millennials would forgo sex rather than give up their phones, and one in ten would even cut off a finger! These bizarre findings come courtesy of mobile app developer Tappable, which conducted a survey earlier this month. Over 500 males and females aged […]

Looking for a date? These are the traits that will get you one

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Muscle-bound men with tattoos, a Viking-inspired sense of style and the ability to speak Norwegian are most likely to get a date, a study has found. Coming in at 6ft 2in, chaps called Oli with brown hair, grey eyes, who own a dog and earn somewhere between £75,000 and £100,000 are most likely to gain […]

App of the week: Skyscanner

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Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week we keep track of flight prices with Skyscanner. An intro to Skyscanner If you’re in […]

Parental leave app to keep employees connected

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My Family Care is hoping to help new and expectant parents in the workplace address their work-life balance through a new mobile app. The Parental Leave Toolkit aims to make HR and management teams more accessible when tackling issues such as parental leave, career progression and personal wellbeing. Believing that in order to support the […]

Trainline app adds business profiles and functionality

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Trainline has launched business profiles in its app for the first time as part of its ongoing drive to make train travel easier for business travellers. The new business profile feature will allow train travellers to separate business and leisure travel accounts with one tap. By creating a business profile in the app, business travellers can […]

Event Eye benefits from Future Of Meetings success at The Meetings Show

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Event Eye has seen direct benefit from its success at The Future of Meetings 2016, a showcase hosted at The Meetings Show in association with The Meetings Design Institute. Event Eye is an easy to use event app focussed on organising and saving time for meetings and event professionals in their otherwise busy schedules. The […]

Guidebook launches unique Mobile Admin feature for on-the-go app changes

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Leading mobile app specialist Guidebook has announced the launch of a unique feature that allows users to make last-minute changes to app content directly via their mobile devices. Guidebook’s new Mobile Admin feature gives app creators the power to manage their content directly from their mobile phone – an industry first. From making an announcement […]

App of the week: Streaks

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Welcome to our new weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We’ll focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week’s spotlight: Streaks. An intro to Streaks Available on iPhone and Apple Watch, Streaks is […]

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