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Access discounted courses online with New Skills Academy

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PA life has partnered with New Skills Academy to bring PA Life readers an exclusive offer – choose any course for £19 or two for £34. A popular New Year’s resolution is to learn a new skill, something to upskill and develop your business worth. Like many resolutions learning something new can be expensive. Course […]

Cyber-bullying on the rise in the workplace

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Recent figures show that one in five of us is a victim bullying at work, and one in six have been a victim or have been disciplined due to bullying colleagues on apps such as WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. But what can employers do to tackle the problem? British workplaces are being negatively impacted by […]

Could you soon be working remotely?

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It’s no secret that more of us are choosing to work remotely instead of heading into the office, the rise of the Virtual Assistant is something that has really become its own brand of assistant in the last ten years. The growing trend is becoming more popular within all industries and that may not be […]

How not to be a horrible boss

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Believe it or not, most bosses don’t want to come across negatively to their staff, however being the boss means that you end up coming across as a bit of scrooge office figure. Alex Moyle, author of ‘Business development culture – taking sales culture beyond the sales team’, offers some help and advice about how […]

The need for a ‘Being Human’ Culture

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By: Lisa Marshall Companies that promote a ‘human culture,’ where people feel comfortable being themselves, can often be the most successful. Workplaces that casting a focus on employee personalities and their need for different ways of working, often have a highly dedicated and motivated workforce. This is because the employee feels valued. Employees who feel […]

5 effective ways to improve your team’s communication

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In a world that’s more connected than ever before, you’d think we’d be pretty good at communication by now. Sadly, that’s not the case. Poor communication is the biggest reason why UK employees want to leave their jobs, with many people feeling they aren’t given clear objectives or having their voices heard. Poor communication can […]


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Today’s graduates need to develop an entrepreneurial skillset in order to excel in their career, a new study has revealed. Over a third (37 per cent) of employers feel graduates are missing key entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed in business, despite the majority (79 per cent) of graduates being confident they possess them. Individuals with […]

‘Honestly’, using ‘reassuring’ language causes distrust

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The use of supposedly reassuring language such as “honestly”, “believe me”, “trust me” and “let me be clear” when spoken by politicians and business leaders cause instant distrust, backfiring spectacularly by suggesting the exact opposite of their intended effect. The use of complicated language is also likely to cause people to distrust what they hear, […]

App of the week: Flock

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Welcome back to our weekly spotlight on helpful apps. We focus on a variety of products that are useful for work, personal use, or both, providing our own thoughts on the apps and what you can do with them. This week we stay connected to the team with Flock. An intro to Flock There’s a […]

How to tell if your colleagues or clients are deceiving you – digitally

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The average person is lied to an astounding 105 times per day. Many of these are innocuous lies – of the “I like your shirt” or “that airplane meal was good” variety. But as a business executive, some lies people tell you can lead to bad decisions, lost profits, or worse, according to Jennifer Jordan […]

Avoid these words to sound more confident

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While body language and appearance are incredibly important in face-to-face communication, you also have to speak with conviction. Whether we know it or not, we all judge people on their choice of words. Here are a few phrases you should avoid to sound more confident when you’re speaking to your boss or clients. “Just” ­– […]

How technology has changed the nature of work

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The face of business is ever changing, with modern technology creating new ways of working, sometimes not for the better. Research suggests the average executive received around 1,000 messages a year in the 1970s, but that number has skyrocketed to 30,000 today. As such, we seem to be spending more time talking and less time […]

Offsite meetings valued by employees

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Research into the value of face-to-face communication by imago shows that employees value offsite meetings compared to those held in-house. The research – Does the future have room for face-to-face communication – was conducted among a sample of more than 750 event organisers, delegates, graduate and undergraduate students. The research revealed that delegates felt getting […]

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