
How to keep up appearances when you’re having a bad day

How to keep a smile on your face when you're having a bad day

Becoming the victim of a bad day where nothing is going right need not be the end of the world. It’s especially important for PAs to maintain a professional attitude no matter how they’re feeling. Luckily, The Muse has created this handy list of ways to avoid becoming a buzzkill if things aren’t going your way.

Don’t go on a rant
We all like to vent our frustrations when we’re having a bad day, but as the person who’s supposed to be level headed through the tough times, this isn’t always an option. Resist the urge to go on a long-winded rant to your colleagues about how frustrated you are. Instead type out an email that you don’t send to anyone, or save it for when you get home to friends and family.

Take a breather
I often find that once one thing goes wrong – I get stuck in traffic, I spill my morning coffee on my new jumper – the rest of the day can only bring more disasters. Before your temper gets the best of you, take a break to clear your head and focus on something positive. That can stop a bad day becoming a bad week.

Do something nice for someone
Random acts of kindness can make you feel good about yourself and help to spread cheer. No matter how dire things may seem, doing something nice for someone else – maybe bringing in treats for your team or buying your friend their favourite hot drink – can bring a smile to your face and turn your mood around.

Grin and bear it
Stress isn’t always an easy thing to overcome, so sometimes you just have to put on your best happy face and get on with your day. It can be painful and feels fake, but sometimes it’s what you need to do to keep up appearances and stay professional in the face of adversity. Plus, scientific studies show that even the act of smiling can release hormones that improve your mood.

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