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Posts Tagged :

workplace relationships

Working with a demanding manager

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An in-depth nationwide study conducted by revealed a surprising 42% of participants hold the belief that their workplace is toxic. Similarly, the Society of Human Resources Management found a comparable trend in the United States, with one out of every four working Americans expressing a sense of apprehension about going to work. Poor leadership […]

How to deal with a difficult boss

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One of the biggest challenges we can face at work is how to deal with a difficult boss or leader. Whether the issue is micro-management, a boss who is overly demanding or overly critical, a leader who doesn’t listen, has a nasty temper, enjoys disrespecting colleagues, or harassing them. Having to work with a difficult […]

Should you confess to your workplace crush?

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As the nation plans to return to the office over the coming weeks, some employees will be coming face-to-face again with their workplace crush. Here SoapHub reveals what you should consider – before telling them how you feel… Read your contract First things first, read your contract.  It is somewhat common practice to initially skim […]

Simple workplace initiatives produce happier and healthier teams

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Employee wellness is being talked about more and more in offices around the UK and the world. Many businesses are shifting focus from other areas in order to keep their employees happy and healthy. The shift has meant that ‘well-being’ initiatives are in the spotlight. Here are a few of our favourites. There are many […]

‘Thank you’ – 2 words that go a long way

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If your boss thanks you for a job well done, chances are you’ll remain loyal to the business, says a new report. A survey to mark the launch of the One4all Spotlight Awards reveals that 83 per cent of UK workers say that being thanked increases their loyalty to the company, with 65 per cent […]

What’s the worst thing about office work?

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The average worker spends around two weeks each year, with research revealing the most complained about parts of working in the office. The study was carried out by animal charity SPANA to raise awareness for working animals in developing countries, and revealed that many modern workers across the UK are found to spend a large […]

Bosses reveal the worst employee habits

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Staff can be left frustrated and dejected when they miss out on rewards or praise at work without any explanation, and some workers are even driven to leaving their jobs through poor communication with employers. UK online printer Instantprint have surveyed bosses on the habits that irritate them the most, and how workers can impress […]

Brits time holiday social media posts to make colleagues jealous

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The traditional paper postcard is going out of fashion thanks to the internet, with Brits preferring social media to share their holiday memories. New research shows this propensity for social media has a dark side, with employees timing their posts to make colleagues back home jealous. Seven in 10 people surveyed by on behalf […]

UK offices suffer from serial snackers

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British workers in search of a snack look in the office fridge or food cupboards 13 times a day, according to new research, with some saying they do it simply because they’re bored. A survey by appliance retailer reveals the average employee opens the fridge eight times a day and search the cupboards five […]

Brits wouldn’t tell their boss they’ve won the lottery

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Contrary to the belief that most people would hand in their notice as soon as they found out they’d won the lottery, a staggering 83% of Brits say they wouldn’t tell their boss they’d hit the jackpot. A survey of 2,000 workers conducted by online gaming site also reveals that only 8% would tell […]

Office hugging could be key to a better workplace

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It’s no longer unusual to greet co-workers with a hug in the office, according to new reports. The BBC has revealed that many are shirking the hand shake for the hug as research may indicate that getting closer to your colleagues could show a boost in productivity. Some industries are embracing the new trend quicker […]

Businesses lose billions by not talking about race

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Businesses are being urged to more openly discuss the under-representation of black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups in key company positions and could be losing billions as a result, according to new reports. Delivering Diversity, a study by published by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) with the British Academy of Management has raised concerned […]

Specialist knowledge valued more than tech

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Human intuition is still more highly valued than tech by executives, according to recruitment and procurement specialist 1st Executive. Concerned that people are being overlooked as technology continues to innovate and change the working world, 1st Executive is highlighting the risk companies face by depending too much on algorithms and systems over life experience. Recognising the […]

Scottish PA of the Year announced

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The Scottish PA Network Awards has named Fiona Forbes as Scottish PA of the Year 2017 as part of a conference aimed at showcasing the crucial roles PAs across the globe make within the workplace. As part of the Scottish PA Network Conference, in association with Hays PA and Secretarial recruiting firm, Forbes has been […]

More than half of British workers love their jobs

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Nearly two thirds of Brits claim to either love or really like their jobs as reports show that 64% of workers don’t suffer from ‘Sunday night dread’. The study marked the launch of the One4all Spotlight Awards, and revealed that many across the country hold their job in high regard, with a third expecting to […]

Which is the perfect office dog for you?

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[easingslider id=”13664″] With ‘Bring Your Dog to Work Day’ hitting UK offices June 23, a study has revealed the UK’s preferred dog co-workers. The research, by office furniture provider DBI Furniture Solutions, explored what workers value in their colleagues and how personality can reflect the strength of both an employee and a four-legged friend. Among […]

Survey reveals Britain’s worst manager habits

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Research shows that two in every three UK employees is experiencing the wrath of a bad boss. With so many people unhappy with management, job site Glassdoor wanted to find out exactly what annoyed them most about their execs. Interestingly, the average rating for senior management on Glassdoor is three out five, whereas overall company […]

Concerns raised as bosses aren’t ready for Ramadan

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As 3% of British workers admit to being discriminated against due to their religion or beliefs, specialists are worried that not enough is being done by bosses to prepare for Ramadan, which begins this Friday. The Muslim celebration includes the fasting of all food and drink during daylight hours, avoiding listening to music and praying […]