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How not to call in sick

Waking up on Monday morning, not everyone is enthused to leave the comfort of their bed, let alone their house. When running out of holiday or looking for a quick break from the daily grind, calling in sick is one of the nation’s top guilty pleasures but not everyone is highly skilled in the art.

Almost one in five of us have made up an excuse for not showing up for work this year, with nearly 80% of UK workers calling in sick in the last eight months. It’s not always easy, however, and CV Library have compiled a list of some of the worst reasons people have missed a day in the office.

Be careful before you take the day though, as more than half of Brits admitted they felt guilty when they returned to work the next day as they faced the impact it left on the rest of the office. So if you don’t fancy getting out of bed today, the least you can do is avoid some of these excuses

  1. “I have blisters from wearing new shoes on Saturday night.”
  2. “I lost a darts tournament last night and I am too traumatised to come in.”
  3. “My boyfriend changed his relationship status on Facebook to single.”
  4. “There are cows in my garden so I can’t get to work.”
  5. “I’m having a BBQ at the weekend and need time to prepare.”

You can view the full list here, but are any excuses as bad as “my dog is lonely”? Let us know your worst excuses on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.