
How to brace yourself for Generation Z

Britainโ€™s youngest working generation of 16-21 year olds are graduating university and are beginning to fully integrate into the working world, and bosses need to take note. According to HR specialists Peldon Rose and their research programme at Kingston University, the world is changing and the first digitally native generation could be poised to shake up the business world. Following on from the Millennials, who have their own opinions on the working world, Peldon Rose have revealed what they believe will be the most important opportunities to provide the new youth.

Go cross-generational
Mix up the age groups; the younger generations are more than interested in learning from their more old-school seniors, understanding the benefits of traditional working ethics can be a major help for those just starting out. Getting younger and older minds to collaborate can also help the older generations too, giving the baby boomers and the Generation X-ers the chance to come to terms with the technologically native youth can help boost digital efficiency across the office.

Choice is key
Giving youngsters options is vital for improving their productivity. Highlighting the importance of anything from where they sit to even the option of flexible working hours, Gen Z is most likely to want to work on their terms. Giving them options to work around can not only improve employee engagement, but it can also lead to talent retention.

Be welcoming
Modern office spaces are going โ€˜biophilic,โ€™ giving workers open spaces and bringing the outdoors into the office. Less fluorescent bulbs and more natural light is a growing concern for the new generation. Having grown up during a technology boom, Generation Z is more keen to connect with the real world than ever, and increasing the amount of plants and greenery in the office can go a long way to relax and connect.

Get active
Encouraging workers to get active through wellbeing initiatives, as well as understanding and supporting those with mental health concerns can go a long way with the younger generation. Although a demand for many people going into their 20s, it could greatly improve retention, reduce absenteeism and promote positivity across the workplace. Perks such as free breakfast facilities or even access to fruit juices can help address stress through the week.

What perks would you benefit from in the office? Are you ready for the next generation? Let us know on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.