
Learn to build trust at work

A woman writing trust at work

Trust is an important part of a PA’s job, so it’s important to build it early on. Here are a few great tips for developing a relationship with your boss and colleagues.

Be consistent – Keep your promises; people won’t take you seriously if you don’t.

Don’t make excuses – Take responsibility for your actions and own your mistakes rather than making excuses for why they happened.

Stay away from negativity – Don’t badmouth a colleague when they’re not around because it will always get back to them and it make you look bad.

Check your facts – Before you send information to anybody – internal or external – check that it’s correct. People will second-guess you otherwise.

Only commit to what you can do – Don’t blindly accept invitations to events and meetings unless you’re absolutely sure you can commit. Check your schedule before you RSVP.

Save criticism for private meetings – While it’s great to give colleagues constructive feedback, it doesn’t do anybody any favours to do it in front of the team. Have a private meeting to talk about issues.

It takes more effort to build a reputation than destroy it – It can take years to gain the trust of your boss and colleagues, but all your hard work can be ruined in the space of a single conversation. Keep your reputation in mind at all times.

Read the original article by Business Management Daily at