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TRAVEL NEWS: Can I take my pet on a private jet?

When it comes to our animals, we would do anything for them, they are more than just a pet, they are part of the family, and we want them to have the best possible experience. You may not have thought that pets are welcome on a private jet but that is the reason why many people choose to charter private…

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WFH may help recruitment but it won’t stem resignations, new research shows

Organisations looking to stem the tide of the ‘great resignation’ shouldn’t rely on flexible working options alone to retain their top talent. New research reveals that working from home (WFH), flexible working hours and even four-day work weeks, won’t necessarily be enough to keep employees’ resignations at an expected level. Cloud HR software provider CIPHR conducted a survey of over…

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How to keep up with new tech – and the importance of upskilling

Rosemary Parr, Founder of the Global PA Association & Training Academy, discusses the growing importance of Office Assistants as we emerge from the pandemic with new ways of working and an increased focus on technology… We are now starting to adjust to life post-Covid and as such we are in the midst of a transformation in office working practices. The…

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PA PROFILE: Women in Games’ Gemma Elnaugh tells her story

This month we sat down with Gemma Elnaugh, EA to the CEO at Women in Games, to talk about working at a not-for-profit organisation, the challenges and rewards of organising virtual events, and the importance of community… Tell us about your journey to become Executive Assistant at Women in Games. I started working as a PA part time for a…

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Adopting a culture of movement: Supporting employees to keep active and healthy

As many workplaces have gradually switched to a flexible working scheme, alternating between working in the office and at home, there is no hiding that employees may currently be struggling to receive support for their physical health and keep active. The NHS suggests that adults should be aiming for 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. In fact, prolonged…

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The top 10 home comforts that UK workers want in the office this winter

With many workplaces and the Government having encouraged staff to come back to the office, new research has revealed that UK workers have admitted to needing in the workplace. A survey of 1,150 UK adults by lighting supplier Ultra LEDs revealed some of the top home comforts workers can’t be without. 40% of workers brought in USB mood lamps, while…

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Gender imbalance in the office continues – new study

A global survey of 11,000 deskless employees has revealed a continuing imbalance between men’s and women’s experiences in the workplace – with workforce management experts Quinyx calling for organisations to make 2022 a year of cultural transformation. The Quinyx study found that women continue to fare worse than male colleagues on a range of factors relating to their employee experience. These include overall happiness…

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Five easy ways to make your next meeting greener

Working sustainably is a goal for many business leaders in 2022, yet with all the other obstacles businesses have had to navigate in the last couple of years, it has been tough to keep the environment as a top priority. Creating and sticking to a company-wide environmental policy is a great start but creating that can be time consuming and…

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Commuters’ biggest bugbears, laid bare

A poll of 2,000 adults who travel to work by car, bus, tube or train found the single most annoying thing is being stuck in traffic for hours. Traffic lights which keep changing to red as you approach, tailgaters, and people who undertake on the motorway also frustrate many of those polled. Hefty train and bus fares are right up…

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The return of the visitor – Is your office safe?

Employee safety and well-being have never been so important. Keeping the workforce healthy is key to productivity, morale and staff retention – and businesses increasingly recognise their legal duty of care obligations. Yet while companies have stepped up as employees return to the office, creating health policies and implementing strong solutions for managing capacity, too many are dropping the ball…

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Is Cultural Quotient (CQ) the new IQ when it comes to organisational success?

Cultural quotient or cultural intelligence (CQ) is increasingly being seen as of far more value than IQ (intelligence quotient), and of equal importance in business to its counterpart emotional intelligence (EQ), because of its proven exponential positive impact on improved teamwork, performance, cooperation and communication. CQ assesses far beyond simple cultural sensitivity and awareness and is a globally recognised measure…

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44% of UK office workers are burnt out at work, new survey reveals

Over two fifths (44%) of UK office workers report sometimes or always experiencing feeling burnt out while at work, a new nationwide survey has revealed. The Digital Detox survey, conducted by Just Eat for Business, uncovers workers’ habits towards breaks and computer use, focusing on screen time. The study also includes expert comments on the mental impact of skipping breaks, and offers…

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Over a third of workers now skipping more lunch breaks

Some 36% of UK workers are now skipping more breaks than last year, new survey data can reveal. The Digital Detox survey, conducted by Just Eat for Business, uncovers workers’ habits towards breaks and computer use, focusing on screen time. The study also includes expert comments on the mental impact of skipping breaks, and offers advice on how to combat it. The…

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40% of event attendees will have ‘dietary requirements’ by 2030 as industry moves towards ‘Green Eating’

Event organisers believe that the number of dietary requirements amongst delegations will grow from 20% in 2020, to 40% by 2030, according to research by Lime Venue Portfolio. The growth in vegan and plant-based diets will continue to supplement more traditional requirements (gluten free and other allergen related) as more and more delegates take a sustainable stance when eating at…

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Almost a third of us can’t go 20 minutes or less without checking our phone at work

With research suggesting that human adults are only able to focus on something for 15 to 20 minutes at a time, it’s no wonder many of us struggle with procrastination during the working day, or constantly find ourselves distracted by our thoughts whilst watching TV. Now, new research from Lenstore has revealed which activities we get distracted the most during, as well as the…

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Employers are failing staff on helping reduce home energy costs

Following the recent Government announcement to relax working from home guidance, millions of workers will be now discussing with their employer when they might return to the office. But will they be discussing the impact of all this working from home on their rising energy bills? Probably not.  New research reveals businesses are not providing enough support or advice to…

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Remote managers killing culture – 60% of professionals report feeling ‘disengaged’ due to lack of face time with leaders

Two in three professionals have reported that they are ‘highly likely’ to leave their job this year due to a lack of face time with leaders within their organisation. Following the announcement this week from Government that work from home restrictions will be dropped, an annual employee survey from global recruiter Robert Walters reveals the potential damage of upholding remote…

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