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TOP TIPS: The secrets to fruitful COVID-safe event planning

With physical gatherings back on the corporate agenda Russell Allen (pictured, right), owner of team interactions specialist Fruitful, offers some top tips for creating a truly stand out event… As we emerge from the effects of the pandemic and social distancing restrictions, which sort of corporate events are your clients looking to organise right now? They fit squarely into two…

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Two thirds of British workers reject monitoring of remote working activity

According to the new 2021 Unisys Security Index, concerns in the UK around internet security (including computer viruses and hacking) are at the highest level in the 15 years that Unisys has been running the study. The report, which examines security attitudes of 11,000 consumers globally including 1,000 from the UK, also shows a particular increase in worries about financial…

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How secure is your company’s IT?

Only 47% of organisations feel confident in their understanding of the cybersecurity threat landscape for their business, according to new research from Rackspace Technology – in addition, only two fifths (39%) of UK businesses feel confident in their ability to respond to incidents today.  Constantly evolving security threats and attack methods, as well as increasing attack opportunities as data volumes,…

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I was the target of bullying… Now I help businesses eliminate it in the workplace

In recognition of Anti-bullying week on 15th to 19th November, we caught up with Thom Dennis, CEO of conflict resolution and culture integration specialists, Serenity in Leadership, to find out the impact bullying had on him and how he now helps businesses address bullying in the workplace effectively… I know bullying is a very personal subject to you, so if…

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Anxiety and inequality rife in post-COVID business

New research shows that feelings of anxiety, mounting pressure, and hesitancy to transition back to the workplace is still very common amongst employees, with many feeling that the work environment is not welcoming, supportive or positive. The research, conducted by Lucid and Vitreous World, surveyed individuals across the UK to analyse employee sentiment and the impact of flexible work as a direct…

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How can you report bullying if the bully is your boss?

It is not uncommon for someone to be bullied within an organisation for several years before it is tackled because the issues around bullying are increasingly complex, according to internationally renowned mediator and conflict specialist, Jane Gunn, especially if the bully is your boss or someone in HR. As anti-bullying week (15th November – 19th November 2021) approaches, conflict management…

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How can managers support and progress their hybrid staff?

COVID has revolutionised the way we work, and many businesses are now living in a world of hybrid working. We know that flexible working is good for staff morale, retention, and satisfaction. But could it be having a secret adverse effect on their progression? As line managers face supervising a team split across the office and home, how can you…

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Top tips on handling inappropriate interview questions

Job interviews are often intense and gruelling processes, where candidates face multiple tough questions to determine their suitability for any given role. However, there are lines of questioning that are, in fact, unsuitable and Jon Watkins, Director of Employability at The University of Law Business School has looked in detail at what you shouldn’t be asked in an interview setting. Questions about age, ancestry, citizenship, credit rating,…

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Women still facing barriers in tech industries

Research released today by NTT DATA UK shows that nearly three quarters of women (74%) have had a negative experience at work because of their gender. Despite ongoing barriers facing women in the sector, 85% of all respondents believe the industry has become more welcoming to women over the last decade, with the most cited reason behind this improvement being…

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How to deal with Imposter Syndrome in the workplace

Do you ever sit down at your desk in the morning and think to yourself, ‘What am I doing here? I don’t belong in this job. Am I a fraud?’ Well, if you do, you’ll be glad to know that you’re not alone. 62% of UK adults experience what is more commonly known as ‘imposter syndrome’. But what is it?…

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Businesses still not prioritising sustainable business travel post-Covid

The findings of a new survey to understand current attitudes towards building back business travel post-pandemic has revealed that only 11 per cent of businesses are prioritising sustainable business travel, despite increasing demand from employees. The survey of 1,022 UK employees and 250 employers was carried out by spend management specialist Emburse. It asked questions around business travel and sustainability.…

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World Mental Health Day: 14 ways to help your staff’s mental health this winter

By Thom Dennis, CEO at Serenity in Leadership World Mental Health Day (10th of October) is nearly upon us and after unprecedented global change and trauma, where many of us became ill, developed long term chronic symptoms, lost loved ones, lost jobs, weren’t able to socialise, had to home educate our children, developed an increasingly poor work/ life balance, weren’t…

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‘Deluge of unhappy workers’ about to hit…

New research, ‘The Deluge of Unhappy Workers’, has revealed that employees are unhappier than ever post pandemic. The research was commissioned by Firstup, a leader in digital employee experience and shows a mounting dissatisfaction amongst workforces across the UK, US, Germany, Benelux and the Nordics, with employees feeling undervalued, uninformed, and ununified. A lack of employer communication was cited as…

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13 ways to develop sustainable company values

Millennials in particular are more likely to spend money with a company, or consider joining their workforce, if it has clear business ethics that align with their own, or if the business shows corporate social responsibility or clear integrity.  These younger consumers are extremely important not least because have also have the loudest voices on social media which they can…

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Are your daily rituals among the UK’s top 30?

Brits have revealed the habits and rituals they swear by to get them through the day, including yoga, calling loved ones at a set time – and taking time to make a regular cuppa. A study of 2,000 adults found 42 per cent have an average of four things they do every day to keep them happy and healthy –…

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