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5 reasons to upskill in 2022

By Paul Lewis, Managing Director, Pitman Training… The beginning of 2022 is the perfect time to focus on both your personal and professional development. Over the past two years, people have had plenty of free time to evaluate their career choices and decide what they want from life. So, if you are thinking about upskilling, here are my top five…

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Being bilingual ‘can earn you more money’

By Daniele Saccardi, Preply  If learning a new language was top of your New Year’s resolutions list, there has never been a better time to take the plunge. As well as allowing you to explore more areas in your career path, learning a new language can also be a fun and relaxing activity to do for as little as 10 minutes…

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Enhance your professional development with these New Year’s work resolutions 

At the start of January, many of us are reflecting on the past year, the recent return to remote working, and the opportunities open to us in the year ahead. Whilst resolutions often revolve around fitness or our personal lives, many set resolutions for the workplace to further our professional development, by building confidence or improving impact and productivity. Despite…

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HOW TO: Recalibrate in 2022 – From your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people

Neuroscientist and business psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw (pictured, above) shares her top tips on how to recalibrate in 2022, from developing your self-care matrix to avoiding toxic people, in order to start the new year as you mean to go on…   Work on a positive self-fulfilling prophecy – Simply having the belief or expectation of an event can sometimes be…

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Events body responds to Government funding

Event Supplier and Services Association (ESSA) has welcomed the recognition from government that there is and will continue to be a serious impact on companies beyond retail, leisure and hospitality stating that there will be a £100 million boost to the Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) fund for local authorities in England. However, continued speculation surrounding Government restrictions and subsequent breakdown in business…

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How to combat The Deluge of Unhappy Workers

Much has been said, written, discussed, about how difficult things have been for workers and businesses recently. However, this period of intense change also poses an incredible opportunity for businesses, offering options to overhaul how things are done, and ensure businesses can become magnets for talent. Firstup’s recent research, The Deluge of Unhappy Workers, made sombre reading, with employees feeling…

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Why ‘Separation grief’ is causing employee resignations

As we’re thrown back into full-time working from home and similar conditions that saw divorce rates spiking in previous lockdowns, UK companies are being warned ahead of the January surge in relationship separations the impact of insufficient employee support. Relationship separation has been found to create a period of ‘separation grief’ which is impacting companies across the UK. Data from…

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Half of UK organisations are reviewing benefits for inclusivity

Research from Aon has revealed that over half of UK organisations (52 percent) are planning to, or are already, reviewing their compensation and benefits programmes to strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives. Aon’s 7th Pulse Survey also found that three in four organisations say driving DE&I in the workplace is at the top of their mind when planning for…

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The UK’s kindest work colleagues revealed

London has been revealed as the location where people spend the most on their co-workers, according to a new survey. With the festive season in full swing, a new survey conducted by Cartwright and Butler, has looked to find where the most generous colleagues in the UK are located. London was found to be the city that spends the most…

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Unvaccinated people are top workplace worry for 57% of Brits

As the new Covid-19 variant, omicron, threatens to spread across the globe, research from Infogrid indiates that people who have not had their Covid-19 vaccination have become a major barrier to employees wanting to return to the physical office. Over half (57%) of UK employees who attend or expect to return to the physical workplace said they are worried about encountering…

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How SMEs can look after staff wellbeing during the festive season

As the festive season approaches, it is tempting for many small businesses to see this as an opportunity to make up for lost time and lost revenues following the pandemic and not take time off. However, this added pressure and stress may lead to wellbeing issues for employees, particular those for whom lockdowns, closures and restrictions have had a significant…

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Business Productivity: 3 Digital Tools to Boost Your Team’s Efficiency & Morale

What makes a business profitable and successful? Is it hiring the right people? Focusing on your most profitable products and services? What about productivity? In today’s digital world, we have tools at our fingertips that allow us to do more in our workday, making our people and ultimately our businesses more productive. But where do you start? Here, we cover…

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Why upskilling is more important now than ever before

Up until a few years ago, obtaining your undergraduate degree was a pass to the vast world of employment. Unfortunately, a higher education certificate might not take you that far nowadays. Upskilling – the evolution of a person’s abilities and career path – has become a buzzword in today’s job ambience. Both employees and employers have begun looking at ways…

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Excessive fatigue is causing UK workers to neglect lunch breaks

Pandemic pressures have meant that almost half of employees have found they have eaten more unhealthy food at work in the last year. And employees have expressed their concerns that companies aren’t doing enough to support them with a healthy lifestyle, as 12% of UK companies are said to have stopped offering healthy food choices to employees returning to the…

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One in five employers do not provide ill-health prevention support to staff

Twenty-one per cent of employers, or one in five, are missing a trick by not supporting the prevention of ill-health in their staff, according to research undertaken on behalf of GRiD, the industry body for the group risk protection sector. Employers who do provide health and wellbeing support to help prevent employees becoming ill, stated that they find flexible working…

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Economist research highlights DEI trust deficit

New research conducted by Economist Impact and commissioned by Zellis has revealed enthusiasm among British and Irish workers to contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programmes by providing personal information. However, many organisations are far behind where they must be to build the trust needed to gather that data, most notably by a lack of clear communications and commitments…

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