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How to double your days off in 2019

We all know the benefits of a healthy work-life balance by now: Improved mental and physical wellbeing, a better social life, increased creativity, productivity, job satisfaction and more. But with a quarter of Brits working more than 40 hours a week, we still have a long way to go. According to a survey by PaymentSense, 38 per cent of workers across the…

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Is a little bit of stress good for you?

We’ve all been told at some point in our lives that a little bit of stress is a good thing. It gives you the motivation to get the job done, or so we think. In reality, stress isn’t the driving force we think it is and the health and social problems linked with stress are more problematic than we think.…

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The gender pay gap is reducing

It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, the gender pay gap often sees men being paid more money for the same work compared with their female counterparts. However, with recent pressure on firms to disclose their gender-segregated wage-statistics, companies are being forced to identify their wrong-doings and change. Women are paid less for the same work as men in…

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How does journaling increase productivity?

It’s not always easy to be motivated and productive, sometimes it takes a little bit more than just turning up at your desk to get the day started. Carina Lawson explains how journaling can increase your productivity. It’s well documented that the act of journaling can help you understand your emotions and improve your mental health- but it’s also an…

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Why speaking a second language will be important for future PAs

Speaking a second language is a skill that many of us know we should learn but very rarely do. With technological advances, the world is now smaller than ever and even though you can overcome language barriers using this technology, Vincenzo Ferrara thinks that PAs who can speak more than one language are going to become increasingly popular.   For…

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Managing stress in the workplace in the run up to Christmas

With stress levels rising as we approach the festival period, Head of Coaching at Westfield Health, Mark Pinches and Euan Laurence, Employment Solicitor at  Blacks Solicitors discuss how we can manage stress in the workplace. In the run up to Christmas, demands at work and home can be sky-high, leaving people feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Shorter days during winter can mean…

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Are you one of the ten million people in the UK coasting at work?

A new survey has revealed that one-third of us – more than ten million* of the UK workforce – are ‘coasting’ at work. As many as 32 per cent of workers in the UK have admitted to ‘coasting’ while clocked-in at work and in their career, as the country battles to solve a productivity crisis which, since the financial crisis, has…

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5 tips when interviewing candidates remotely

With time being a luxury for most businesses, seeing every candidate when interviewing is not always an option. Here are five top tips to consider when interviewing remotely. Seeing every candidate when interviewing for a role is often unachievable and not a good use of time, which is precious in any business. Therefore, telephone or video interviews can be a quicker, and…

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How to be the game-changer in your business

Lucy Chamberlain, the founder and CEO of C&C Search, explains how changing one’s mindset can help PAs unlock super powers in order to make a difference and add value in their business. In today’s business world, you very rarely luck into things. The rise of the gig economy and multi-hyphen careers means PAs need to leverage emotional intelligence, actively seek out opportunities for personal growth and think big in terms…

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When the party stops, the data collection begins

Anyone planning an event of any size; large or small, needs to know how successful the event was. From capturing data to leaving people with a positive attitude, event planners only have a small window after an event to capture this information for analysis. Did your ROI actually come suggest the event was a success or do you need to…

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How to stop distractions at work

The working environment is a mix of distractions that may seem professional, but really do get in the way and cause you to lose your working motivation. As a PA some are unavoidable such as talking to your boss, while others are little parts of your day where you should concentrate on your work but instead you end up wasting…

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Where do I stand when my manager gives me an unethical request?

Being asked to carry out something that may not necessarily adhere to company rules or even within the law is an ethical dilemma that has surprisingly crossed the path of many PAs during their working lifetime.   Recently the government announced plans to survey workers’ feelings towards their managers to improve job quality and security, making it harder for bad…

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Give your staff better IT training to increase your cyber-security

We are always being warned about the risks of cyber-security and how it could destroy a company by gaining access to the internal computer networks. We often fall back on the fact that the IT department will be able to fix whatever nasty online bug has managed to infect our systems. However, what if the first line of defence could…

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What is the future of the EA role?

On Tuesday evening a group of PAs got together at an event held by Fyxer in central London to discuss a topic that all PAs have worried about recently; what is the future of the EA role, with the advancement of technologies such as artificial intelligence? Vincenzo Ferrara reviews what was discussed. The event held by Fyxer at the Staples Inn…

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How to make an impact before you start a new role

Walking through the doors of your new office to start your new role can be one of the most unnerving tasks we all eventually go through, so what can employees do to ensure they make a positive impact on their first day? Kate Allen, MD at Allen Associates, shares some key advice. You’ve been selected from a shortlist as the…

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Event Organisers Summit: Crystal Interactive on trends and innovative technology

Crystal Interactive’s head of innovation Rob Curtis, spoke at the Event Organisers Summit at Sofitel London Heathrow this morning, where he looked at the old, current and future of event technology, making the audience consider what has been, where we are now and what the future event tech could be. To start with, Curtis asked the audience to think about…

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How PAs have influenced the big screen

The role of the PA is no stranger to the big screen: in films or TV personal assistants are often the people that make the protagonist the hero they are meant to be. Like a well-oiled machine, the on-screen PAs often know what their boss wants, before their boss does. Even though these on-screen assistants are asked to do very…

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