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Sending the kids back to school, how to work through the stress

It is the start of September again, the time of the year most parents dread (or celebrate if you’ve been off with them for the entirety of the summer holidays). Your sweet little bundle of joy is now in their uniform and ready to start a new term of school.   Of course, after hours of sewing labels into every…

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Inequality starts at the interview

Interviewers come under fire after survey reveals eight out of ten are guilty of asking off-limits questions. An alarming 85% of interviewers have admitted to asking off-limits questions during the interview process, new research has revealed. According to Hyper Recruitment Solutions (HRS) there is a clear confusion among hiring managers over what can and cannot be asked, with nearly half (47%) saying they have…

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Employers now favour apprenticeships or experience over university degrees

Employers now favour relevant apprenticeships or experience over university degrees, a study has found. Researchers who polled 1,000 decision makers found 49 per cent prefer to see experience from a relevant apprenticeship or previous position on a candidate’s CV. Just 24 per cent said they would be more likely to take on someone who had a relevant degree qualification. The…

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How to motivate employees to step out of their comfort zone

Motivating employees to step out of their comfort zone can benefit you as much as them, we hear from Ruth Skelton, senior manager business support and accountancy and finance, Morgan McKinley about how you can best help your employees do this. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”. This mysterious and much talked about “comfort zone” is not a…

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5 minutes with… Paula Harding, EA at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

Paula Harding, executive assistant to dean of education and senior management team has worked in the industry for many years. She’s known by many professionals as a brilliant networker and a fantastic EA. Her hard-work over the years has meant that she is well-respected and admired. We speak to Harding about her professional life, her life out of work and of…

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How To Do Content Marketing Without Writing Blog Posts

By Mary Kucher It would come as no surprise that Blog Posts are the most used and profitable strategies for content marketing. Many websites use them to bump up their rankings and get a broader audience. Such promotions are common because blogs tend to include real-life experience, showing that the editor can relate to his or her readers on a…

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Are you one of the worst offenders when it comes to meetings?

Getting everyone in the same place at the same time for a meeting can be difficult, but what about once the meeting has commenced? Many employees dread the idea of interacting with other team members for a specified amount of time, which leads to many arriving late, checking their mobiles throughout the meeting or interrupting constantly. So, are you one…

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Top 10 stories of the week

As we continue to keep you informed on what’s happening in the events world and keep up to date, don’t forget to check us out on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn. 1. Business lunch? These are the top 40 foods and drinks Brits struggle to pronounce Quinoa, tzatziki and pain au chocolate are among the foods we regularly eat – but are unable to pronounce, a…

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Retirement unlikely for millennials

Gardening and golfing are off the menu for almost a quarter of millennials who are convinced they’ll never be able to retire Some 24 per cent of 18-35 year olds believe they will never be able to afford to retire, according to a new survey. And the same amount are worried that they will have to continue working in some capacity after they…

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10 ways to spot a star in your workplace

Being able to neutralise a toxic person sounds like a superhero power from a Marvel movie, but in actual fact it’s one of the ways you can spot a star performer in the workplace. That’s according to research from that looked at the typical traits and characteristics of career climbers so that business leaders know how to spot a star…

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Handling a heatwave: How to keep employees cool when temperatures soar

Britain has been basking in glorious sunshine for several weeks now, making it even more important to acknowledge employees’ needs. Clare Porciani, senior manager of HR operations at Office Depot UK & Ireland, shares some top tips to help keep everyone cool while at work. The weather in Britain can often be unpredictable and on the rare occasion of a heatwave,…

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Over a quarter of organisations rely on freelancers to complete core business tasks. But in more than half of the organisations, HR departments are being cut out of the hiring process. These results come from the latest survey conducted across five European countries by the payroll & HR services provider SD Worx and Antwerp Management School. The research uncovered how…

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Apparently so… Pregnant women on public transport are no longer being offered a seat, with only six in 10 commuters offering their place. A new study of 2,000 regular users of public transport has also found that one in four commuters hadn’t given up their seat for a ‘pregnant’ woman in case she wasn’t actually expecting a child. The research…

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Today’s graduates need to develop an entrepreneurial skillset in order to excel in their career, a new study has revealed. Over a third (37 per cent) of employers feel graduates are missing key entrepreneurial skills needed to succeed in business, despite the majority (79 per cent) of graduates being confident they possess them. Individuals with an entrepreneurial mindset are often…

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Four underrated skills that will make any assistant indispensable

Megan Trzcinski, director of office services recruiting at LaSalle Network, a staffing, recruiting and culture firm, reveals why assistants should master more soft skills to help them become an essential tool in the workplace. Being an assistant is not easy. You’re dealing with different personalities and communication styles, juggling multiple urgent requests, managing your own to-do list and figuring out…

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One in four Brits never exercise, says British Lung Foundation

In a poll of 2,000 UK adults conducted by the British Ling Foundation, 23 per cent admitted they do their best to avoid exercise at all costs – and of the 77 per cent who do exercise, 16 per cent only exert themselves once a week. Walking is the exercise Brits are most likely to engage in, followed by jogging and…

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