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How will the bank holiday impact our sleep schedules?

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Oxford Partnership predicts that drinkers will quaff up to 52.8 million pints of draught beer and cider across the May bank holiday weekend. This boozy bank holiday could lead to a ‘jet lag’ in over 33 million Brits, who are predicted to be drinking this weekend. Mattress Online’s sleep expert, James Wilson – otherwise known […]

REVEALED: New formula for getting out the ‘right’ side of bed

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Boffins have come up with up with a formula to help get you out the right side of the bed in the morning (albeit endorsed by a leading cereal brand, other products are available!). It takes into account the factors that contribute to a good start in the morning, including the number of hours spent […]

Best habits to help manage stress in 2022

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With UK Google searches for the ‘signs of burnout’ soaring by 300%, between September 2020 and now, it’s now more important than ever to detect burnout in you and your team. Burnout has become more pervasive during the pandemic. A Mental Health UK survey found that 46% of UK workers felt more prone to extreme […]

Brits enjoy their best sleep at age 24 – Then it’s downhill from there…

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Research of 2,000 adults found almost half are convinced they slept better during their youth, while only 24 per cent think it has improved as they’ve gotten older. The research also found 55 per cent of the nation ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ get enough sleep. The survey, commissioned by health and wellness company, dōTERRA, identified family […]

Here’s what Brits do to wake up every morning

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Sleepy Brits hit the alarm snooze button for at least 15 minutes each morning and function on ‘autopilot’ until they feel fully awake – half an hour after starting work A study of 2,000 adults found the average alarm is set for 6.54am, before they actually get out of bed at 7.12am. But it’s another 29 minutes before people feel awake and ready to start the day – although men need an […]

How To: Make sleep a top management priority

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Most of us accept that good quality and enough sleep is essential to human survival and is vital to our mental and physical health.  Sleep has a profound impact on our neurological performance and is essentially food for the brain. Given its importance, forward thinking businesses should make sleep a top management priority, according to […]

Covid-19 is affecting our mental health: here’s how to cope

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Covid-19 continues to impact our lives, and studies have revealed that it’s affecting more than just our physical health. One in three survivors of the virus experience mental health conditions, the majority being anxiety and mood disorders. This is a major sign that it’s time for people to start taking control of their mental health. […]

Here’s what’s REALLY stopping you from sleeping

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Arguing before bed, exercising late and checking work emails really do affect your sleep – but eating cheese and taking daytime naps may make no difference, according to experts. TV medical professional Dr Ranj has debunked some of the popular myths about sleep, including claims that everyone needs to get a full eight hours a […]

Half of Brits are WFB (that’s Working From Bedroom)

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More than half of workers have transformed their bedrooms into makeshift offices during lockdown, according to new research. The survey of 2,000 adults who are working from home examined how they have adapted after offices were forced to close in March. More than half (54 per cent) of those questioned by Premier Inn say the […]

Coronavirus: At Home Tips to Support Your Immune System

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Our immune system is vital for survival, its main purpose being to make antibodies which fight against infection and disease. To keep healthy, it is essential to keep the immune system strong. Leveraged on five pillars, the World Health Organisation has made an official statement on how vital it is to keep up with your […]

Stressful mornings? You’re not alone

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Breakfast is the most stressful time of the day – because of tantrums, queues for the bathroom and running out of milk for cereal. A study of 1,000 parents and their children uncovered a never-ending list of early morning responsibilities, with more than two-thirds feeling there are never enough minutes in the morning. Getting yourself […]

The reason we’re becoming a sleep deprived society

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We all feel overtired from time to time, however consistently failing to get the recommended amount of sleep can quickly lead to exhaustion and sleep deprivation. Before the period of industrialisation, the sleep cycle of humans was very different. Without the 9-5 working day and artificial lighting to dictate our sleep routine, we used to […]

Are you guilty of taking workplace stresses home?

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Workplace tensions have caused millennials to experience weight loss and sleep deprivation, a new study has found. There’s no doubt about it, our daily lives at work can often consume us and lead to anxiety, with many of us taking our worries home asking ourselves whether we sent that email or if we made that […]

We lose up to six days a year from snoozing our alarm

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For most of us, getting up in the morning is hard! The cold and dark mornings make it nearly impossible to get out of a warm comfortable bed. So, when the alarm goes off, the first thing you think is, I just need five more minutes. You aren’t alone, in fact, new research has actually […]

The Grand Brighton and Richmond Hill Hotel promote the power of sleep in September well-being week

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The Grand Brighton and sister property Richmond Hill Hotel have held a second dedicated period of well-being activity, focusing on the power of a good night’s sleep for improving well-being and reducing stress. Following a successful month of well-being activities in June this year, the hotel has devoted a week to encouraging their clients and […]

Have you ever snuck off for a quick nap at work?

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With 86% of people not able to speak to their line manager about how tiredness is impacting on performance. It’s unsurprising that one in ten of us have purposefully taken a nap at work. New research from health and wellbeing provider, Westfield Health, has found over one in ten (11%) of working brits have purposefully […]

GDPR can now send you to sleep. Literally

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Are you tired of the seemingly endless meetings and emails about GDPR at your place of work? Well, some bright spark has taken the 57,509-word document to its logical conclusion – an app that sends you to sleep. That’s right, if you download meditation app Calm [iTunes link] there’s an option to listen to the GDPR law […]

What’s on your mind when you wake up?

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If work is the first thing on your mind when you wake each morning, you’re not alone, according to new research. The weather and money worries are also on our minds, along with checking social media and ‘group chat’. It also emerged that Brits stir from their sleep ahead of the alarm due to worrying […]

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