
2018 Top reasons for work-related stress last year and how to deal with them in 2019

Woman on a laptop chewing on a pen looking stressed

The start of the New Year means that youโ€™ve hopefully forgotten the troubles of the past and can concentrate on a fresh new you. But with almost 600,000 workers who suffered stress-related illnesses in 2018, how can we make sure that you feel better over the next 12 months?

Recent figures from Health and Safety Executiveย (HSE) showed that almost 600,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression or anxiety in 2018. Simultaneously, 15.4 million working days were lost due to work-related stress.

As the New Year begins, Reboot Digital Marketing Agencyย as investigated what were the most common reasons the Brits felt stressed at work last year and the ways in which they decided to deal with it.

A survey asking 1,274 people about the most common work stressors they had in 2018 revealed that the number one reason Brits felt stressed at work was an excessive workload, with 84 per cent saying this was the biggest cause of worry for them over the year. Unrealistic expectations came second at 79 per cent, as employees feel overwhelmed by the need to constantly impress their superiors. 76 per cent taking part in the survey had been bothered by a co-workerโ€™s lack of competence, while 72 per cent struggled to find a work-life balance.

Other reasons that made the list a lack of progression opportunities (63 per cent), lack of job security (59 per cent) and negative company culture (42 per cent).

When it came to the ways in which we dealt with stress, the results showed that 76 per cent confessed that they destressed by complaining to another person, whether itโ€™s a friend, family or even a co-worker, while 70 per cent admitted to taking frequent toilet breaks to get away from their workspace. Some Brits even resorted to actively searching for a new job (66 per cent) while others asked to work from home (44 per cent).

Other ways Brits dealt with work-related stress in 2018 included, seeking help for emotional stress (anxiety/depression), some simply stopped caring (37 per cent) and taking regular baths to destress (12 per cent).

If you have any helpful advice about how to cope with workplace stress during 2019, please email: